Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
Experimental Study on the Uncertainty in Static Calibration of a Torque Measuring Device
1st Report: -Verification of Repeatability, Reproducibility and Zero Error-
Koji OHGUSHITakashi OTAKazunaga UEDA
Author information

2003 Volume 39 Issue 7 Pages 624-630


As uncertainty contributions for the static torque calibration of a torque measuring device, the following components are considered; repeatability with unchanged mounting position, reproducibility with changed mounting position, zero error, interpolation error, reversibility (hysteresis) and resolution including the ability of the indicator. Some foreign standard documentations, however, have not revealed any experimental confirmation for the validity of assumed probability distribution for each contribution. In order to establish a determination method of uncertainty for the torque calibration, the validity of probability distributions was verified by the numerous repetitions of torque measurement using the primary torque standard machine. The determination method is proposed based on the experimental results.

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