Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
Secure Grasping Effect of Soft-fingered Manipulating Motions with Minimum D. O. F. Robotic Hand
Takahiro INOUEShinichi HIRAI
Author information

2007 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 135-144


This paper shows that a secure grasping of an object using a soft-fingered robotic hand is. easily achieved by adopting a two-dimensional soft finger model, which is evolved from an elastic force model derived in our previous study. After described the formulating process of the two-dimensional model, we derive normal and tangential constraints that appear during manipulating motions of the minimum d. o. f. two-fingered hand. Next, we formulate the Lagrangian and equations of motion of the hand system dealt in this paper. Then, we present a constraint stabilization method (CSM) dealing with holonomic and nonholonomic constraints, which is an effective tool to conduct the numerical simulation of a mechanical system with constraints. Finally, we validate the numerical algorithm and show the effect of secure grasping by evaluating the simulation results.

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