Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
Deceleration Meter for Enhancing Driver Situation Awareness and Understanding of Functional Limit of an Adaptive Cruise Control System
Makoto ITOH
Author information

2008 Volume 44 Issue 11 Pages 863-870


This paper discusses how to reduce driver's over-reliance on a rear-end collision warning system when an ACC system is active.We propose “gdeceleration meter” which shows the maximum deceleration rate in the last several seconds.By looking at this meter after a relatively rapid deceleration, a driver may understand how the last deceleration was close to the deceleration limit.We conducted an experiment on a driving simulator and showed that driver's reaction to the rapid deceleration of the lead vehicle was not delayed by using the deceleration meter even when a warning was missed.This result suggests that the deceleration meter is effective to manage the risk of rear-end collisions due to over-reliance on the warning system.

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