2020 Volume 1 Issue 2 Pages 26-31
Most of professional and industry sectors, including architecture, are expected to gain digitalization impact in a specific and subtle form to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution and later also the Society 5.0 era. Several technologies, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT) and Virtual Reality (VR), have been developed on aiding stakeholders of building project, including architect. BIM and IoT technology open a possibility binding a building as a physical entity with its digital model or known as Digital Twin. But to bring it to virtual environment with VR, additional interaction model is required to developed. In this research, we explore the interaction model inside a VR environment with a BIM model as a digital entity connected with its physical counterparts connect to the model through IoT devices simulated as real-time cloud database. The interaction model is called ‘Connected Digital Twin’ or CDT and it is implementable in operational/maintenance phase. Also, it opens a possibility to expand the implementation to earlier phases of a building lifecycle on future research.