A least square adjustment is developed in order to deduce earth's horizontal strain from displacement vector. Let (xi, yi) (i=1, 2, …, P) be the coordinates of p triangulation stations. These coordinates are determined with respect to the centroid of the geodetic figure consisting from p stations. Let d (xi, yi) (i=1, 2, …, P) be the displacement vectors at the triangulation stations. These vectors are given as the deviations from translation vector of the centroid that is estimated by any suitable method from original displace ment vectors. We assume homogeneous strain u inside the geodetic figure as
ut=[εx, εy, εxy, ω], (1)
where εx and εy, are normal strains, γxy, shear strain in the sense of engineering shear strain, and w rotation. Displacement vectors d are
dt=[dx1, dy1, …, dxp, dyp] . (2)
All the components are assumed to be independent.
The relation between u and d is given from elasticity theory
d=Bu, (3)
where B is design matrix and has a form
Least square solution of (3) is
u=(BtPdB)-1BtPdd . (5)
Pd is weight matrix of d. Variance-covariance matrix Σ(u) of u is
Σ(u)=σ02Ωuu (6)
Cofactor matrix Quu is, using notation N=(BtPdB)
Quu = N-1 (7)
and a posteriori reference variance σ02 is
σ02=VtPdV|c-u=VtPdV|γ. (8)
V is residual of displacement vectors calculated using the determined strain u. c is number of observation equations, u number of unknowns.
Let maximum and minimum principal strains be ε1 and ε2, and azimuth of maximum principal strain ε1 be α, then(9)
Vector of principal strain E is defined as
E[ε1, ε2, α] (10)
Variance-covariance matrix of E is Σ(E), and this is propagated from 3×3 elements inΣ(u), Using Jacobian Jeu, Σ(E)=JeuΣ(u)euJeut(11)(12)Dilatation Δ and maximum shear strain γmax is obtained as Δ=ε1+ε2 λmax=ε1-ε2(13)Variance of Δ and γγγmax, covariance between Δ and γmax are σΔ2, σΔ 2, σ2γmax, and σΔγmax(14)where, σε12 and σε22 are variances of ε1 and ε2, and ε1ε2 is covariance between ε1 and ε2.