2016 年 26 巻 2 号 p. 2_255-2_268
The purpose of this study was to verify the change in the growth rate and the industrial structure of the Japanese Gross Domestic Sport Product (GDSP) from 2002 in 2012.
Nominal GDSP was 14 trillion 750.9 billion yen in 2002 and 11 trillion 408.5 billion yen in 2012. Real GDSP was 14 trillion 210.9 billion yen in 2002 and 12 trillion 495.6 billion yen in 2012. Nominal GDSP not including public gambling on sports was 8 trillion 673.9 billion yen in 2002 and 7 trillion 72.5 billion yen in 2012. Real GDSP not including public gambling on sports was 8 trillion 356.4 billion yen in 2002 and 7 trillion 746.4 billion yen in 2012. The growth rate of GDSP was -22.7% in nominal terms and -22.7% in real terms. That is, the growth rate of GDSP was negative in both nominal and real terms.
The percentage of GDSP in GDP was 2.96 % in 2002 and 2.40% in 2012. The percentage of GDSP not including public gambling on sports in GDP was 1.74% in 2002 and 1.49% in 2012. The growth rate of GDSP was lower than that of GDP during 2002-2012.