Proceedings of the ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and its Applications
Online ISSN : 2188-4749
Print ISSN : 2188-4730
第25回ISCIE「確率システム理論と応用」国際シンポジウム(1993年11月, 大阪)
Optimal Auxiliary Input for Fault Detection - Frequency Domain Approach -
Toshiharu HatanakaKatsuji Uosaki
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 1994 巻 p. 151-156


In this paper, we derive the optimal auxiliary input for fault detection of stochastic linear system in the frequency domain based on the time average of Kullback discrimination information between the system models corresponding to the normal and the fault modes. Auto-covariance sequence of the optimal auxiliary input is obtained by solving a mathematical programming problem. Numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed auxiliary input reduces the mean detection time without making much effects on the original system behavior.

© 1994 ISCIE Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications
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