Proceedings of the ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and its Applications
Online ISSN : 2188-4749
Print ISSN : 2188-4730
第50回ISCIE「確率システム理論と応用」国際シンポジウム(2018年11月, 京都)
Evaluation System for Groove Feelings Evoked by Drum Sounds
Hiroto KawataTakeshi HoriKazuyuki Nakamura
ジャーナル フリー

2019 年 2019 巻 p. 142-146


In this study, we define stochastic models for tight and loose groove feelings and propose an evaluation system for the groove feelings evoked by drum sounds. There are two main types of groove feelings, tight and loose, and they are known among professional musicians and music enthusiasts. These groove models are defined as a bivariate normal distribution with deviations for snare and bass drums as random variables. As an application of these models, we propose our evaluation system, in which a monaural, polyphonic drum set recordings is input and evaluations regarding tight and loose are output. We conducted an evaluation experiment and showed that this system correctly identifies tight and loose groove feelings.

© 2019 ISCIE Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications
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