構造工学論文集 A
Online ISSN : 1881-820X
松村 寿男水野 英二
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 53A 巻 p. 1057-1068


3-D finite element deformation analyses on the CFT steel columns, which are subjected to constant axial loading and lateral monotonic loading, have been carried out to investigate the post-peak behavior of the CFT steel columns as well as confining effect on concrete from the steel tubular columns.
In order to represent the load-deformation relationship of the CFT columns obtained from the experiment, analytical simulations have been carried out through the parametric study on constitutive models of steel and concrete as well as Young’s modulus ratio. As a result, the condition of confining pressure due to the local buckling of steel tubular column near the column base has been clarified. Also, it has been found that the plate thickness does not affect on the confining pressure, but the high strength concrete brings the higher confining pressure.

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