構造工学論文集 A
Online ISSN : 1881-820X
Bailey Bridgeの仮設・恒久的利用の国内外事例調査に基づく恒久利用に向けた枠組み
木下 幸治近広 雄希河村 進一熊田 哲規武中 純一藤田 博行中沢 正利
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 69A 巻 p. 1269-1279


The present study assessed the Bailey bridge's condition and investigated its adaptation as a permanent bridge. From the survey, not only international cases but also Japanese case of Bailey bridges have been used as permanent bridges, although there is no framework. So, this study attempts to set up an adequate framework for using temporary Bailey bridges as permanent bridges and assessed the unique permanent Bailey bridge in Japan. Field loading tests were performed under various loading conditions, such as dynamic and static loading tests. From the field measurements, the deflection of the bridge was founded to ensure the elastic region for adaptation as a permanent bridge based on proposed framework.

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