Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
Turnover of 14C-Labelled L-Histidine and Its Incorporation into Carnosine and Anserine in Rainbow Trout
Hiroki AbePeter W. Hochachka
Author information

1987 Volume 53 Issue 6 Pages 1089-1094


Metabolic half-life of L-[U-14C] histidine was detemined on the blood and white muscle of rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri, Incorporation of the label into histidine related dipeptides, such as carnosine and anserine, in the muscle was also examined.
Metabolic half-life of 14C-histidine in blood was 1.99 and 3.39h for intraarterial and intramuscular injection, respectively, while that in white muscle was 7.5 days For intramuscular injection. The label was taken up rapidly from blood into tissues and its washout from muscle and absorption from intraperitoneal cavity into blood were also fast. After a lapse of 2, 4, and 10 days after intramuscular injection, 10-13% of the administered 14C-histidine was recovered in the liver, kidney, white and red muscle, and blood, The highest activity was exhibited by the liver followed by the kidney, but the total activity per tissue was highest in the white muscle, accounting for 80-89% of the total.
After intramuscular injection, the label was gradually incorporated into the muscle anserine and carnosine and after a lapse of 14 days after injection, the radioactivity of anserine reached the same level as that of histidine. Injection of β-[1-14C]-alanine showed much higher incorporation into both carnosine and anserine than that of 14C-histidine. These data suggest that the rate of biosyntheses of these dipeptides is slow in trout and the availability of β-alanine is at least one of the controlling factors in the process.

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