Online ISSN : 2424-1377
Print ISSN : 0563-8682
ISSN-L : 0563-8682
河合 明宣安藤 和雄
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 28 巻 3 号 p. 354-368


From our major findings based on a field survey and a study of revenue records, the concept of ‘settlement form’, which involves the two notions of a territorial unit with a distinct geographical boundary, and the nature of community formation defined by the settlement pattern, is identified as the analytical key to understanding the agrarian social structure in Bangladesh. The para is the unit in this sense.
 There is, unfortunately, a wide gap between the development administrative centre and the location for development, that is, the ‘village’. For ordinary villagers, officials of local government at the district, upazila and union level and officials of BRDB (Bangladesh Rural Development Board) are still total strangers.
 The linkage of ‘village’ to centre does not work, not only because of lack of enthusiasm on the part of local government officials, but also because of administrative deficiency, with nobody officially representing the ‘village’ at the union and upazila parishad.
  The better administrative linkage of ‘village’, namely, para, to centre does work, the more para society consolidates for rural development.

© 1990 京都大学東南アジア研究センター
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