Online ISSN : 1884-5495
Print ISSN : 0371-5345
ISSN-L : 0371-5345
細川 健次山口 克
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 1988 巻 132 号 p. 17-24


The microscopic surface structure of carbons, prepared from cyclodextrin (CD) and amylose (AM), was determined by a physical adsorption-desorption measurement of carbon dioxide at 195K and by a temperature programmed desorption (TPD) method. The topography of the samples was also observed by Scanning electron microscopy.
These carbons were obtained by a heat-treatment of the raw materials or those preoxidized. By means of the preoxidation of CD, the yield of the carbon was increased from 31.1% to 75% at a heat-treatment temperature (HTT) of 973K. By the same treatment, the surface area of the carbon increased from 385 to 491m2/g for the CD-carbon-HTT-1273K. The surface area of the AM-carbon-HTT-1273K non-oxidized was 301m2/g.
The pore distribution calculated from the adsorption-desorption measurement agreed well with the results of TPD spectra. The carbon obtained from CD (preoxidized) had large surface area and narrow distribution in micro pore.
There was no significant difference in pore distributions between two kinds of carbons (from CD and AM). Both of these carbons would have homogeneous pores.

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