The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Print ISSN : 0040-8891
Case Report
Dental Implant Treatment after Improvement of Oral Environment by Orthodontic Therapy
Hideshi SekineHaruyo MiyazakiTakuya TakanashiKatsunori FuruyaFumiyori MatsuzakiTatsuo TaguchiHidenori Katada
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 53 巻 3 号 p. 109-117


A 57-year-old man presented with mesial inclination of the lower right first molar caused by untreated loss of the second premolar. The occlusal relationship was restored by dental implant treatment following improvement of the intraoral environment by orthodontic therapy. At his initial visit, the interdental spacing in the molar-premolar region was inadequate, as the first molar had mesially inclined into the extraction space of the second premolar. The patient had also lost the second molar and complained of masticatory problems on the right side. It was considered necessary to restore the second molar and improve the occlusal relationship with the first molar to recover occlusal function on the right side. After orthodontic therapy to correct the position of the mesially inclined tooth, occlusal restoration was carried out by dental implant treatment. The patient's clinical condition has remained excellent at over 5 years 2 months post-surgically and the patient is satisfied with the treatment outcome. The combination of dental implant treatment and orthodontic therapy were effective in improving the intraoral environment in this patient, indicating the efficacy of interdisciplinary treatment planning and practice.

© 2012 by Tokyo Dental College, Japan