Online ISSN : 2433-1856
セッションID: 76/P2-6
76(P2-6) 矢毒ガエル皮膚毒chiriqultoxinの構造(ポスター発表の部)
四津 まり安元 健直木 秀夫C. Y. Kao
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Chiriquitoxin (CHTX, 1), isolated from the Costa Rican frog Atelops chiriquiensis, has drawn the interest of physiologists because of its effects on both Na and K currents of exitable cell membranes. However, the structure has remained undetermined. We isolated 6mg of CHTX from 100g of the frog skin and deduced the molecular formula C_<13>H_<20>N_<4>O_<10> from HRFABMS data. The positive reaction of CHTX to ninhydrine reagent indicated the presence of NH_2 in the molecule. The FT-IR and NMR spectra data together with H_5IO_6 oxdation experiments suggested that CHTX was a tetrodotoxin (TTX, 2) analog, in which 11-CH_2OH was replaced by CH(OH)CH(NH_2)COOH or CH(NH_2)CH(OH)COOH. In a D_2O solution containing 1%CF_3COOD and 4%CD_3COOD, CHTX formed a 13,6-lactone (4) of which CH(NH2) was exchanged with deuterium. Thus the substituent group at C-6 was presumed to be CH(OH)CH(NH_2)COOH. The stereochemistries of C-6 (S), C-11 (R), and C-12 (S) were suggested by NOE measurements and difference spectra.

© 1989 天然有機化合物討論会電子化委員会
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