Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
川西 咲子 寺島 慎吾塚原 優希助永 壮平江阪 久雄柴田 浩幸
ジャーナル オープンアクセス 早期公開

論文ID: TETSU-2024-098


Microsegregation of solute components during the solidification process causes solute pile-up in the liquid phase, which strongly affects the formation behavior of inclusions. However, there is no quantitative evaluation of solute concentration distribution during dendritic growth. In this study, we established an in-situ observation method for quantitative evaluation of solute concentration distribution using model materials with fluorescent reagents to clarify how the solute pile-up progresses due to microsegregation. In addition to evaluating the physical properties of the model materials necessary for this study, a quantitative evaluation of solute concentration distribution during dendritic growth was successfully achieved. Numerical analysis, taking into account the equilibrium partition of solute components and solute diffusion in each phase, reproduced the measured solute concentration distribution in the liquid phase. Thus, the solute concentration distribution was evaluated by the actual measurement and numerical analysis, and it was clarified that a relatively simple model can represent the progress of microsegregation.

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