Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
郡司 好喜的場 幸雄
ジャーナル フリー

1963 年 49 巻 5 号 p. 756-764


The equilibrium of manganese and oxygen in liquid iron was studied at temperatures of 1550.., 1607.. and 1663.. respectively. In the first place, the activity and free energy of oxygen in a binary Fe-O alloy were studied and successively those in the ternary Fe-Mn-O alloy were studied by almost same experimental procedure.
The electric iron or Fe-Mn alloys with the FeO-MnO slag in magnesia or alumina crucible were melted in the H2-H20 gaseous mixtuTes, and then the samples for the analysis of oxygen and manganese were withdrawn by means of suction.
These data obtained were summarized as follow:
1) H2+O=H2O
logK=7, 540/T-346
2) The activity coefficient of oxygen in a binary Fe-O alloy, log f (O) O= (-13, 340/T+6.59) [%O] 3) The contribution of manganese to the activity coefficient of oxygen in the ternary Fe-Mn-O alloy, f (Mn) O, was very nearly unit.
4) FeO (in slag) +Mn=MnO (in slag) +Fe (l) log Kmn (s) = 6, 980/T-2.91
log K mn (l) 6, 440/T-2.83

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