Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
山口 洋久松 敬弘
ジャーナル フリー

1973 年 59 巻 14 号 p. 1994-2003

1) Arithmetrical formulae have been derived on the amounts of dssolved iron into a galvanizing bath and iron in alloy layers in the continuous sheet galvanizing process influenced by working conduction, such as the aluminium content in the bath, the line-speed and the temperature of the sheet.
First the quantities of dissolved iron ΔW1 (g/m2) and iron in the alloy layer ΔW2 (g/m2) are studied in relation to three separate variables; the aluminium content in the bath, y (%), the immersion time, t (sec), and the temperature of the sheet, θ(°C). Then equations of first degree or second degree are derived from these studies, and these equations are combined to arithmetrical formulae using the common conditions in these studies. For example, the formulae for the bath containing 0.12-0.14% Al is as follows:
2) A study has been carried out to estimate the aluminium concentration in the coating on the basis of the quantity of iron in the alloy layer. The aluminium concentration in the alloy layer is lower than that estimated from the equilibrium diagram.
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