Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
千々岩 健児畑村 洋太郎長谷川 信樹
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 66 巻 5 号 p. 496-505


Simulation by plasticine is carried out to estimate various stress distributions and deformations of steel in hot rolling and to prevent internal or surface crack of slab in cotinuous casting.
In this report, first of all, the following dynamic properties of plasticine is treated to establish the foundation of simulation: i) Static properties (stress-strain relation, its reliance on temperature and criterion of yielding etc.) ii) Kinetic proterties (reliance of stress on strain rate etc) iii) Friction with metal surface.
From the above investigation, it became clear that, there exists the following relation between stress σ(kgf/cm2), logarithmic strain ε, strain rate ε (1/s) and temperature T (°K), in the region of T=253323°K, ε=0.020.3 and ε=10-210°1/s;
σ=1.15×10-5ε0.085ε0.12 exp(3 530/T)
Then the above result is compared with the deformation resistance of steel in high temparature (about 1 000°C). And it is confirmed that plasticine has enough properties to simulate not only the deformation of steel in high temparature but also the stress distribution.

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