Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
奥山 泰男塩出 哲夫佐藤 千之助車田 亮
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 73 巻 15 号 p. 1877-1884


2000°C hot drum tester was developed successfully for the evaluation of the thermal deterioration of metallurgical coke. It was observed that the thermal deterioration were occurred by the increase in porosity due to the weight losses as well as to the development of micro cracks. It is considered that above 1800°C the graphitization of coke and the change in volume of mineral matters in coke such as Si and Ca compounds make many micro cracks in coke structure with few weight losses and that micro crack development changes closed pores to open ones about 10%.
Both the thermal shock resistance and fracture toughness of coke were measured by the Joule heating method. It was found that these properties could be estimated roughly from the coke properties at room temperature and that coke with high strength in 2000°C hot drum tester gave high thermal shock resistance.

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