Online ISSN : 1346-8030
Print ISSN : 1346-0714
ISSN-L : 1346-0714
社会情報と個体情報に基づくアリの意思決定を考慮したMAX-MIN Ant System with Two Memories
遠藤 博人穴田 一
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 39 巻 3 号 p. B-NC3_1-12


One method for solving combinatorial optimization problems is Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), which models the ants' habit of efficient foraging behavior through global communication via pheromones. However, conventional ACO does not take into account important ant decision-making processes other than global communication via pheromones. Therefore, we propose a new ACO that introduces into the model decision-making processes based on both social information (information obtained through global and local communication) and individual information (ants' own past experience), which are considered important for ants in the real world. In evaluation experiments, we applied the proposed ACO to the traveling salesman problem, a typical combinatorial optimization problem, and confirmed that the solution search performance is significantly improved compared to conventional methods. This indicates that the approach of modeling ants' decision-making based on social and individual information is effective in ACO. In addition, we believe that our approach to algorithm construction, which incorporates interactions between individuals into the model, has shown the potential to be effective in ACOs.

© 人工知能学会2024
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