Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Online ISSN : 1346-8030
Print ISSN : 1346-0714
ISSN-L : 1346-0714
Original Paper
Formulation of Kerosene Routing Problem and a Rolling-Horizon Approach Based Heuristic
Hirotaka OoeSoichiro YokoyamaTomohisa YamashitaHidenori KawamuraMitsuo Tada
Author information

2024 Volume 39 Issue 6 Pages AG24-B_1-15


Kerosene delivery is a service that regularly supplies kerosene to household tanks to prevent them from runningdry. Delivery companies create kerosene delivery plans to maintain tank levels and implement deliveries based onthese plans. We formulate the Kerosene Delivery Planning Problem (KRP) and propose a solution method that utilizesa problem partitioning approach through the rolling horizon approach, combined with a hybrid method named HAIRthat integrates tabu search and integer programming. From experiments on parameter search, it was confirmed that thevalue ofMaxIter for HAIR should be set as a priority. Furthermore, in experiments targeting a single season, it wasobserved that the evaluation value of the proposed method improves by about 10% compared to the evaluation valuecalculated from actual delivery records. It was also confirmed that the parameters of the rolling horizon approach,specifically W and S, should be prioritized.

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