IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
Daisy-Chained Systolic Array and Reconfigurable Memory Space for Narrow Memory Bandwidth
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2020 Volume E103.D Issue 3 Pages 578-589


A paradigm shift toward edge computing infrastructures that prioritize small footprint and scalable/easy-to-estimate performance is increasing. In this paper, we propose the following to improve the footprint and the scalability of systolic arrays: (1) column multithreading for reducing the number of physical units and maintaining the performance even for back-to-back floating-point accumulations; (2) a cascaded peer-to-peer AXI bus for a scalable multichip structure and an intra-chip parallel local memory bus for low latency; (3) multilevel loop control in any unit for reducing the startup overhead and adaptive operation shifting for efficient reuse of local memories. We designed a systolic array with a single column × 64 row configuration with Verilog HDL, evaluated the frequency and the performance on an FPGA attached to a ZYNQ system as an AXI slave device, and evaluated the area with a TSMC 28nm library and memory generator and identified the following: (1) the execution speed of a matrix multiplication/a convolution operation/a light-field depth extraction, whose size larger than the capacity of the local memory, is 6.3× / 9.2× / 6.6× compared with a similar systolic array (EMAX); (2) the estimated speed with a 4-chip configuration is 19.6× / 16.0× / 8.5×; (3) the size of a single-chip is 8.4 mm2 (0.31× of EMAX) and the basic performance per area is 2.4×.

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© 2020 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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