Some important properties of open-end yarns were analyzed by using normal Uster testing equipment, and discussed in relation to those of ring spun yarns.
The results indicate that the open-end yarns have much better characteristics with respect to the irregularity, the number of thick and thin places, the number of neps, the tensile elongation and its variation, than the ordinary ring spun yarns. The number of neps was fewer with open-end yarns in corser, count but in finer count, .it was more and in the range of the better ring spun yarns. Furthermore, the breaking strength of the open-end yarns would seem to be significantly lower than that of ring spun yarns.
However the open-end, yarns have a much higher twist factor. Due to the much lower CV% of breaking strength of the open-end yarns, the weak places likely to cause ends down in subsequent processing should be very similar to the case of the ring spun yarns.
It would be concluded that the open-end yarns have a potential for weavers and knitters and an interesting future in the textile industry as a whole.