Online ISSN : 1348-1479
Print ISSN : 0385-6917
ISSN-L : 0385-6917
厚銅被覆鋼線 (高強度導体) の開発
松岡 健太星間 昭人泉田 寛木村 充裕
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 2023 巻 68 号 p. 17-20


The need for conductor materials such as copper alloys is increasing as the IoT of society progresses. The properties required for conductor materials are diverse, including high strength, light weight, high flexibility, and elasticity, therefore copper alloys that match the required properties are selected. However, many copper alloys have a trade- off relationship between strength and conductivity. Since conductivity has the higher priority, the strength of selected material has the tendency of being short of the required level. Among them, copper beryllium alloy is a conductive material that has both strength and conductivity, and has excellent spring properties, but there are still problems such as the possibility of adverse effects on the human body and the high cost. In this paper, we report the physical properties of TCC wire, a high-strength conductor developed to solve these problems.

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