Online ISSN : 2758-8904
準高地における60分間の ウォーキングの生理学的応答
長津 恒輝辻川 比呂斗土屋 亮太高宮 佳祐鈴江 毅内丸 仁杉山 康司
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 26 巻 p. 55-62


The purpose of present study was clarified to the physiological response to walking for a long term at moderate altitude (1450m). The healthy 6 males participated experiment as a subject in this study. They performed walking of steady state velocity( 80m/min) for 60min in either sea level(64m: SL) and moderate altitude(1450m; MA). Respiratory metabolism, heart rate(HR), perceived of exertion(RPE),arterial O2 saturation(SpO2) , blood lactate( BLa) and blood glucose( BGlu) were measured during 60 min walking. SpO2 was significantly lower in the MA than in the SL (P<0.01). HR, Oxygen uptake, and RPE did not differ between the two conditions. However, respiratory exchange ratio was significantly higher for MA than SL at the end of the walking test(P<0.05). Furthermore, BLa did not change after the walking test, but BGLu decreased significantly only in MA (P<0.05). It is concluded that physiological response in walking at moderate altitude showed energy supply was more dependent on the glycolytic system due to the influence of hypobaric hypoxia.

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