Online ISSN : 2189-9061
Print ISSN : 0513-417X
高倉 忠博童 雪松永見 宏二渡辺 博信潜 祖〓
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 1991 巻 145 号 p. 2-4


The second round of the Sino-Japanese joint survey on the life history of Sasakia funebris Leech (Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera) at the Wuyanling Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province, was made between December 26th and 31st, 1989. The extensive field work only produced seven hibernating larvae of a Sasakia-type, some of which were exactly like Japanese charonda but others had a distinct colour difference: the dorsal protuberances and the anal pair of projections were moss or malachite green, which is quite an unknown feature in a Japanese larva. The larvae were reared at the Lishui Agricultural Research Institute and three of them survived and produced S. charonda. Although larvae of S. funebris still remain undiscovered from the above locality, the rearing result is the first ever in China concerning S. charonda. Coincidentally, a group of Japanese entomologists successfully found overwintering larvae of S. funebris in a locality in Sichuan Province on twigs of Celtis sinensis. According to the photos kindly made available to us by them, the larva of funebris is very similar to that of charonda in most respects. Only two features may be useful to distinguish them: funebris is much smaller, and the dorsal protuberance on the mesothorax is not separated into two as in charonda. The egg-laying behaviour of funebris in Sichuan has been observed by plural Japanese entomologists and its details have been published. As the present authors expected in their first report (Yadoriga No.137, 1989), the funebris female lays her eggs singly, not in batches as by charonda. Even though the climates and larval foodplants of funebris differ between Sichuan and Zhejiang Provinces, it is likely that funebris in Wuyanling hibernates in the same fashion, with the smallish larvae sitting on the underside of a twig, half encircling it.

© 1991 日本鱗翅学会
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