Yonago Acta Medica
Online ISSN : 1346-8049
ISSN-L : 0513-5710
Short Communication
Usefulness of Pulse Oximeter That Can Measure SpO2 to One Digit After Decimal Point
Newly developed pulse oximeter
Akihiro YamamotoNaoto Burioka Aritoshi EtoTakashi AmisakiEiji Shimizu
Author information

2017 Volume 60 Issue 2 Pages 133-134

Pulse oximeters are used to noninvasively measure oxygen saturation in arterial blood (SaO2). Although arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximeter (SpO2) is usually indicated in 1% increments, the value of SaO2 from arterial blood gas analysis is not an integer. We have developed a new pulse oximeter that can measure SpO2 to one digit after the decimal point. The values of SpO2 from the newly developed pulse oximeter are highly correlated with the values of SaO2 from arterial blood gas analysis (SpO2 = 0.899 × SaO2 + 9.944, r = 0.887, P < 0.0001). This device may help improve the evaluation of pathological conditions in patients.
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© 2017 Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
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