Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1880-2273
Print ISSN : 0918-1067
ISSN-L : 0918-1067
Volume 25, Issue Supplement1
Displaying 1-18 of 18 articles from this issue
Full papers
  • Norman FASHING
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S3-S17
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Members of the astigmatine family Algophagidae occur in a wide variety of habitats. Many are aquatic and live fully submerged, whereas others are semi-aquatic and wade in liquid, and yet others are alleged to be completely terrestrial. One of the major characteristics of the family Algophagidae is the presence of axillary organs, which are sclerotized bands of cuticle located on each side of the propodosoma between legs I and II. To date, the fine structure of the axillary organs has been described for only two species, Algophagus pennsylvanicus Fashing and Wiseman, a fully aquatic species in the subfamily Algophaginae that inhabits water-filled treeholes, and Fusohericia lawrencei Baker and Crossley, a semi-aquatic member of the subfamily Hericiinae that inhabits the sap flux areas of trees. The present study describes the fine structure of the axillary organs of Hericia janehenleyi Fashing, a member of the subfamily Hericiinae that inhabits fermenting sap flux on oak trees (Quercus spp.). In addition, the sizes of axillary organs of species from differing habitats are compared to determine whether these two variables are correlated.
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  • Kazumi TAGAMI
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S19-S25
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    In 2013, phoresy of Histiostoma mahunkai Fain, 1974, on the Japanese common earwig, Anisolabella (Gonolabis) marginalis (Dohrn, 1864), was recorded in Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan. To investigate the extent of this phenomenon, I studied A. marginalis and Anisolabis maritima (Bonelli, 1832) collected in Kochi (Kochi Pref.), Matsue (Shimane Pref.), Yonago (Tottori Pref.), Echizen (Fukui Pref.), Shizuoka (Shizuoka Pref.), Misato and Iwatsuki (Saitama Pref.), and Mito (Ibaraki Pref.). Phoretic histiostomatids were isolated, reared, and identified as H. mahunkai and H. piscium.
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    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S27-S34
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Taxonomic revisions should comply with certain best practices, one of which is to study topotypic specimens if type specimens are not available. We discuss the example of an oribatid mite, the classical species Carabodes labyrinthicus (Michael 1879), in which topotypes are critical to questions of identity, synonymy, and species status.
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    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S35-S49
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Faunal surveys were performed in Mtirala National Park (Georgia, Caucasus). Oribatid mites were collected from four microhabitats (soil, moss, litter, decaying wood) at 15 locations from 250 to 1000m a.s.l. Forest types included walnut (Juglans regia) plantations, mixed chestnut (Castanea sativa) forests, and beech (Fagus orientalis) forests. Our surveys revealed 124 species of oribatid mites. One species, Feiderzetes latus (Schweizer, 1956), is new for Georgian fauna and was found only in decaying beech wood at various stages of decay. Chamobates voigtsi (Oudemans, 1902) was present in all types of habitats and dominated in soil and litter samples. Liebstadia pannonica (Willmann, 1951) was numerous in decaying wood, and Mycobatidae were abundant in moss. Other species were present in moderate quantities. Simpson’s index of diversity (1-D) revealed low to moderate diversity in nearly all samples, with sampling completeness of about 80%. Hierarchical cluster analyses showed the highest similarity between the soil and litter fauna, with dead wood being the most distinct, indicating special communities of oribatid mites exist there. No pattern of faunal changes along the altitudinal gradient was observed.
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  • M.A. HAQ
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S51-S75
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Agricultural production through known farming practices relies on artificial fertilizers. Increasing frequency of pest outbreaks and pesticide hazards together with great dependence on artificial fertil-izers became a tremendous problem for people and the environment. In this context, it is timely to adopt safe organic farming practices by using oribatid mites, an approach referred to as ‘oricul-tural farming practice’. Oribatid mites play several vital roles in soil ecosystems, of which bio-degradation and subsequent soil enrichment deserve special mention. The present study revealed that several species of oribatid mites are instrumental in biodegradation because they consume large amounts of plant materials and digest them with enzymes (such as cellulose and cellobiase) produced by microbial colonies in mite guts. Large quantities of organically rich faecal pellets laid by the mites increase soil fertility, plant growth and productivity. Okra plants (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, 1794) cultivated by using oriculture farming practice were significantly taller, had flowers earlier, and their pods were larger in comparison with the control plants. This clearly warrants wide usage of oricultural farming practice to increase crop productivity.
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  • Krishna KARMAKAR
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S77-S81
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    This paper reports a survey of plant-associated tarsonemid mites throughout the Indian state of West Bengal during 2009-2013. Eleven species in seven genera were collected. Among the most economically important mites, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) was most widely distributed and infested a wide range of host plants, including many commercial crops. Four species of Steneo-tarsonemus Beer were collected from paddy fields; S. spinki Smiley was the most dominant on rice during the wet season, and S. furcatus De Leon attacked rice in both the southern coastal districts and the Himalayan foothills; it was also found within the large air spaces of the inner side of the rice leaf sheath. Besides, Steneotarsonemus spinki and S. furcatus, two other species were also collected on rice those have been presented in table-1. Steneotarsonemus konoi Smiley & Emmanouel was collected from Cynodon dactylon, on which it causes a distinct whitish longitudinal patch on the leaves. Species of Daidalotarsonemus De Leon, Xenotarsonemus Beer, Tarsonemus Canestrini & Fanzago, Fungitarsonemus Cromroy, and Dendroptus Kramer were also collected on different plant species.
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  • Angsumarn CHANDRAPATYA, Ploychompoo KONVIPASRUANG, James W. AMRINE
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S83-S107
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    One of the common groups of phytophagous mites encountered on various plants in Thailand is that of the eriophyoid mites, which can be found on agricultural, horticultural, ornamental, and medicinal plants, including fruit and forest trees. Because there is a paucity of information on eriophyoid taxonomy in Thailand, where the host plants are so diverse, there is a need to investigate the presence of these tiny creatures-especially those species that can be harmful to economic crops. Here, the taxonomy of the eriophyoid mites in the collection of the first author was revised, together with the taxonomy of those reported by other researchers. To date, a total of 215 species of eriophyoid mites have been recorded from Thailand. The family Eriophyidae comprises 157 species, whereas only 58 species are reported in the family Diptilomiopidae. These mites are found on 161 plant species under 60 host plant families; they are relatively more numerous (>10 species) on plants in the families Fabaceae, Poaceae, Moraceae, Sapindaceae, Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Myrtaceae, and Euphorbiaceae. Fortunately, only a few species are considered to be pests of our economic crops. Eight new genera were assigned as new names for those mites previously identified by the first author and Professor Jan Boczek. Another 8 new genera and 10 new species were also added for unidentified eriophyoid mites in this collection where Diptilomiopus phylanthi (Chandrapatya, 1992), Liparus eugeniae Boczek, 1996 and Tegolophus bangkokensis Keifer, 1978 were removed from the list bringing the total number of eriophyoid mites found in Thailand to 222 species. Four replacement names were proposed in this paper; Cosella trangii Chandrapatya, Konvipasruang & Amrine, 2016 for Cosella longani (Boczek & Chandrapatya, 2000) since it is too close to Cosella longana Huang, Huang & Wang, 1996; Phyllocoptes takhoppae Chandrapatya, Konvipasruang & Amrine, 2016 for Phyllocoptes indicus Boczek & Chandrapatya, 2000 since it is too close to Phyllocoptes indicae Keifer, 1975; Aculops chonburi Chandrapatya, Konvipasruang & Amrine, 2016 for Aculops desmodii Chandrapatya & Boczek, 2000 preoccupied by Aculops desmodii (Keifer, 1964) and Diptilomiopus sakaena Chandrapatya, Konvipasruang & Amrine, 2016 for Diptilomiopus combretae (Chandrapatya & Boczek, 2002) preoccupied by Diptilomiopus combretae Wei & Lu, 2001.
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  • Taro MAEDA
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S109-S117
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    The honey bee tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae), is an endoparasite of honey bees. The mites feed on bee hemolymph in the tracheas of adult bees. Mite infestations cause serious damage to bee colonies. The distribution of these mites is now worldwide, from Europe to South and North America. The first recorded A. woodi infestation in the Japanese native honey bee, Apis cerana japonica, occurred in 2010. In a previous study, to determine the distribution of A. woodi in Japan, we sampled more than 350 colonies of A. cerana japonica. We found mite infestation from central to eastern Japan. On the other hand, Apis mellifera in Japan has not suffered serious mite damage. Here, to determine the effects of mite infestation on Japanese native honey bees, we investigated seasonal prevalence, mite load in the tracheal tube, and the relationship between mite prevalence and K-wing (disjointed wings). Similar to European honey bees, Japanese honey bees had a high prevalence of mite infestation in winter and a low prevalence in summer. The average mite load was about 21 or 22 mites (all stages) per trachea when all bees were infested by tracheal mites (100% mite prevalence). This mite load did not differ from that in A. mellifera. The K-wing rate was positively correlated with mite prevalence. Further comparative investigations focusing on the mechanisms of infestation will be needed to elucidate the differences in mite susceptibility between Japanese and European honey bees.
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  • Dagmar VOIGT
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S119-S132
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    The cosmopolitan and polyphagous two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari, Tetranychidae) exhibits a remarkable host plant range. A cryo-scanning electron microscopic study of T. urticae in contact with selected hosts was conducted, demonstrating the universal attachment of pretarsi to a variety of plant surface types, including crystalline waxy, glandular, and non-glandular hairy, as well as non-wettable and wettable surfaces. Similar to spiders and geckos, T. urticae bears a dry hairy attachment system. Beside the six empodial hairs (setae), each leg is equipped with four tenent (adhesive) setae with multi-part spatulate terminals (subunits), independent of the developmental stage. The cryo-scanning electron micrographs clearly demonstrate the formation of intimate contact between spatulate tips and substrates. Results are discussed in the context of arthropod attachment and arthropod-plant interactions.
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  • Thi Phuong Thao NGUYEN, Ngoc Vu TRAN, Thi Thien An TRAN
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S133-S136
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    We investigated the occurrence of phytophagous and predatory mite species (Acari: Tetranychidae, Phytoseiidae) on fruit vegetables in Ho Chi Minh City from June 2011 to October 2012. We found eight phytoseiid mite species on solanaceous and cucurbitaceous crops, of which seven were identified: Amblyseius matinikus Schicha & Corpuz-Raros, Amblyseius tamatavensis Blommers, Graminaseius polisensis (Schicha & Corpuz-Raros), Neoseiulus longispinosus (Evans), Paraphytoseius multidentatus Swirski & Schechter, Proprioseiulus dahonagnas (Schicha & Corpuz-Raros), and Scapulaseius asiaticus (Evans). Neoseiulus longispinosus was the most populous species. The predatory mites were associated with the occurrence of the phytophagous mites from flowering to fruiting, at harvest, and after harvest.
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    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S137-S145
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    We evaluated the organic control of the potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli and the silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci in South Texas, USA, in 2013 and 2014. We found that azadirachtin, pyrethrin, or spinosad did not adequately control B. cockerelli in 2013. However, the numbers of B. tabaci nymphs and phytoseiid mites were significantly lower after azadirachtin and pyrethrin treatments than those after spinosad treatment or in untreated control. The highest numbers of phytoseiids and lowest numbers of potato psyllids in the control plots in 2013 suggested a predator-prey relationship between these organisms. In 2014, the tallies of B. cockerelli and B. tabaci were too low in all treated and control plots for reliable conclusions about insecticide treatments. We identified the phytoseiid mites Amblyseius largoensis, Typhlodromips near tennesseensis, and Typhlodromalus near peregrinus and report for first time that A. largoensis is a predator of B. cockerelli eggs and nymphs. We did not study predation by the other two phytoseiid species. In addition, fungivorous tydeid mites of the genus Metapronematus were found in most potato fields. Also, immature stages of Lasioerythraeus (Erythraeidae) were found parasitizing B. cockerelli nymphs in a conventional commercial field. Potato yields did not differ among treatments in both years. However, the high numbers of B. cockerelli in 2013 resulted in smaller tubers and consequently lowered yield (by 1/5-1/3) in 2013 than in 2014. The impact of predacious phytoseiids on B. cockerelli and their potential for mass rearing and release in organic production systems need further evaluations.
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  • Yvonne M. VAN HOUTEN, Hans HOOGERBRUGGE, Kirsten OUDE LENFERINK, Marku ...
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S147-S159
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Euseius gallicus is a new phytoseiid species recently described from southern France that has shown potential as a biocontrol agent for thrips and whitefly in rose, if pollen is supplied as an additional food source. To investigate if the use of E. gallicus provides improved thrips and whitefly control, we conducted laboratory experiments examining the biology of E. gallicus and a semi-field experiment comparing the biological control efficiency of E. gallicus with that of Amblydromalus limonicus and Amblyseius swirskii, two phytoseiid species commonly used for biological control of thrips and whitefly in roses. Euseius gallicus had high oviposition rates on Typha latifolia pollen (3.9 eggs/day) and on young whitefly eggs (3.6 eggs/day). Oviposition on first instar Frankliniella occidentalis larvae was lower (1.5 eggs/day). Euseius gallicus predated 2.6 first instar thrips larvae per day; however, predation of thrips larvae was nearly zero when T. latifolia pollen was offered as a supplementary food source. Euseius gallicus females did not enter diapause under short-day conditions, and juvenile development was completed at 13°C. When released in combination with T. latifolia pollen on roses in the semi-field trial, E. gallicus developed the largest population of the predatory mites tested; however, despite reducing the whitefly population, it had no control effect on the thrips population.
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    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S161-S167
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Samples of bark and logs damaged by bark beetles were collected from 16 states of Mexico from 2007 to 2012. Fifteen bark beetle species were found within the bark and log samples and were examined for phoretic mites and arthropod associates. Thirty-three species of mesostigmatid mites were discovered within the samples. They were identified in several trophic guilds based on the mites’ feeding habits if known. Over half of the 33 mite species were found to be predators feeding on arthropods or nematodes, with the most voracious mites in this study being Dendrolaelaps quadrisetus, Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) vacua, Macrocheles boudreauxi, Proctolaelaps dendroctoni, and Schiztothetus lyriformis.
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  • Suneerat RUANGSOMBOON, Jarongsak PUMNUAN
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S169-S178
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    The acaricidal activities of seventeen crude algal extracts were tested against the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart) by the contact method at concentrations of 0 (95% ethanol as a control), 0.32, 3.2, and 32μg/cm2. The crude extracts were isolated from cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria sp., Phormidium sp., Spirulina platensis, Spirulina maxima, Fischerella sp., Hapalosiphon sp., Mastigocladopsis sp.), red algae (Acanthophora sp., Gracilaria sp.), green algae (Cladophora sp., Caulerpa lentillifera, Ulva intestinalis, Ulva rigida), and brown algae (Turbinaria sp., Dictyota sp., Padina sp., Sargassum sp.) by means of serial extraction with methanol, dichloromethane, and hexane. Mite mortality was measured after 24h of exposure to the extracts under laboratory conditions at 25±1°C and 86±1% relative humidity. The methanolic crude extracts caused higher mortality than the dichloromethane and hexane extracts. The methanolic crude extracts of Oscillatoria sp., Phormidium sp., Sp. platensis, Sp. maxima, U. intestinalis, Sargassum sp., and Dictyota sp. caused 72.5-99.3% mortality at a concentration of 32μg/cm2. These seven extracts were then reassessed at concentrations of 0, 0.16, 0.32, 1.6, 3.2, 16, 32, 48, and 64μg/cm2. The Oscillatoria sp. and Phormidium sp. extracts showed the highest acaricidal activity, with LC50 values of 0.39 and 0.40μg/cm2, respectively. These results suggest that algal extracts may have potent acaricidal activity.
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  • Ammorn INSUNG, Jarongsak PUMNUAN, Vanna MAHAKITTIKUN, Teerapong WANGAP ...
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S179-S184
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    Essential oils obtained from three medicinal plant species, namely, cinnamon (Cinnamomum bejolghota [Buch.-Ham.] Sweet), citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus Rendle), and clove (Syzygium aromaticum [L.] Merr. & L.M. Perry), were sprayed on allergenic materials (house dust plus spent mite medium produced by the European house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus [Trouessart]) to evaluate the effects of the oils on allergen levels. A 1% solution of each essential oil in 95% ethanol was sprayed on the allergenic materials (which contained about 50μg of allergen per gram of material), and 95% ethanol, water, and untreated allergenic materials were used as controls. The sprayed materials were allowed to stand for 48h, and then allergen levels were analyzed by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. The results showed that the essential oil from C. bejolghota reduced the amount of allergen>99.4%, and the essential oils from C. nardus and S. aromaticum reduced the amounts by 77.1% and 74.0%, respectively. In contrast, the 95% ethanol control reduced the amount of allergen by only 9.8%.
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  • Yasuhiro YANO, Nobuhiro TAKADA, Hiromi FUJITA, Mutsuyo GOKUDEN, Shuji ...
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S185-S188
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    The Haemaphysalis hystricis ticks we collected contained rod-shaped rickettsiae (length, 1.3μm; diameter, 0.3μm) in midgut epithelial cells, rectal sac cells, muscle cells surrounding trachea, cells of the central nervous system, and granular cells of the salivary glands. These microorganisms, which were defined as Rickettsia japonica by PCR analysis, existed freely in the cytoplasm of the cells and were surrounded by an electron-lucent (halo) zone. Nuclear localization and proliferation of the rickettsia were present in salivary gland cells. The rickettsial species we evaluated also demonstrate trans-stadial transmission because we used nymphal ticks, which molted from engorged larvae. This report is the first to describe the location and ultrastructure of spotted fever rickettsiae in H. hystricis ticks.
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  • Tomoo YOSHINO, Kii USHIYAMA, Mitsuhiko ASAKAWA
    2016 Volume 25 Issue Supplement1 Pages S189-S192
    Published: March 25, 2016
    Released on J-STAGE: June 01, 2016
    A summary of avian ticks and mites from an epidemiological survey performed by the Wild Animal Medical Center of the Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine of Rakuno Gakuen University is reported, with errata for mite taxa. Ten taxa were recorded, and their taxonomic positions are shown in a table.
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