The micrographs in this report are from diatom material taken from the pond in Shiroganedai, Tokyo.
Valve elliptical with parallel to slightly convex sides; ends capitate to rostrate. From the various degree of protrusion ends, it -would be better to consider
Navicula bryophila var.
capitata to the synonym of the nominate variety. When this species reduces its size, the shape becomes simple since smaller individuals often take weakly protruded ends.
Axial area narrow, lineate. Central area sligh tly wider than the axial area usually. Striae radiate, convergent at the ends and alternately longer and shorter at the center of the valve. Length,12.5-23.0μm and the mode is 18and 19μ am which coincide with the range 10-25μm reported already. Breadth,4-5, am and the mode is 4.5μ am which show no difference previously reported range 2.5-5.0μm. Striae,29-32 in 10μm with the mode of 28 in 10μm which is in accord with the range 20-40 reported until now. The striae at the both ends are denser than those about the central area. We observed many individuals with triundulate margins of valves. Other morphological characteristics of these individuals were almost the same as Navicula bryophila. Length,12.5-18.0μm, and the mode is 16 and 17μm. Breadth,3-4μm and mode is 3.3μm. Striae,28-32 in 10μm and the mode is 30. So, the valves with triundulate margins are smaller than those of
Navicula bryophila.
This type was first illustlated by KOBAYASI (1960) an d later related to Navicula bryophila by ANDO (1979). Though this species is somewhat similar to N. rautenbachiae CHOLNOKY, it is distinguished by the narrower breadth and the coarser striae at the central area than those at both ends. In our observation it is better to distinguish this type form
N. bryophila.
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