Journal of Epistemology and Mind Sciences
Online ISSN : 2436-2131
Volume 5, Issue 1
Displaying 1-18 of 18 articles from this issue
Original papers
  • When Medicine as a Science Collapses
    Masahito Nangaku
    Article type: Original papers
    2023 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 12-20
    Published: May 15, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 02, 2023
    Imagine a situation in which a patient asks a doctor “Why must I die?” and the doctor stands there stunned. Physicist Schrödinger claimed that scientists unconsciously put “I” as the subject of recognition outside the objective world. Both doctor and patient put “I” as the subject of recognition outside the objective world. In medicine as a science, doctors eliminate the fact that each patient is “I” for himself. Also, doctor puts himself outside the objective world and thinks as if he himself will not die. By doing so, doctors can continue their clinical practice in which they get close to people’s death. On the other hand, patients spend their days as if they will not die, by putting “I” outside the objective world.
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Essay (Research Review)
Guest editor commentary
Comment paper
Research Essay
Book Review (Non-Fiction)
Video media review (special edition)
Conference reports
Announcements from the editorial boarrd
Instruction for Authors