The “Research Report on the Effective Implementation of Day Care Visiting Support
in Nursery Schools and Other Facilities” published by CDS Japan in 2017 identified
the spread of visiting support in nursery schools and other facilities as a challenge.
Daycare visiting support in nursery schools is a crucial national policy for promoting
inclusion; however, the challenges publicly presented are mostly related to the way
in which the institution should be operated, and the insights obtained from parents
who wish to receive support are limited to awareness surveys. Therefore, this study
conducted interviews with four parents whose children were receiving daycare visiting support in nursery schools and used Trajectory Equifinality Modeling (TEM) to
clarify the process by which parents requested such support. This allowed for an examination of when and what kind of assistance is effective for consultants assisting
parents who wish for intervention for their children. The results showed four stages in
the process until parents request visiting support: “Stage of convincing oneself that
their child needs support,” “Stage of realizing the kind of support their child needs,”
“Stage of considering professional guidance for life training.” The results revealed
that counseling providers should provide support that meets the parents’ needs at
each stage and situation. Moreover, to provide parents with opportunities to make
choices based on judgments from multiple perspectives, collaboration among professionals from different fields such as daycare teachers, counselors, support workers, and
healthcare workers is essential.
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