Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences
Online ISSN : 2189-6682
Print ISSN : 2188-7888
ISSN-L : 2188-7888
Volume 36, Issue 1
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Emphasizing Digital Enhancement of Direct Composite Restorations with Refined Bonding Strategies and Innovative Non-destructive Terahertz Internal Observation
    Keiichi HOSAKA
    2023 Volume 36 Issue 1 Pages 1-7
    Published: 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: September 22, 2023
    This review sheds light on the evolving trends in Minimal Intervention (MI) dentistry, particularly in direct resin composite restorations. The expansion of resin composite restorations' applications has led to the development of novel adhesive techniques for enhanced bond durability and innovative restoration methods utilizing digital technology. This paper elaborates on smear layer deproteinizing pretreatment (SLDP), which has been found to significantly improve dentin bond durability. Furthermore, we explore the digitally-guided direct resin composite restoration, a method that combines the clinical efficacy of analogue and digital restoration methods. This innovative technique standardizes treatment procedures, reduces reliance on the dentist's skill, and improves treatment outcomes. The review also examines the emerging non-destructive inspection technique, terahertz pulsed imaging, which has revolutionized the internal visualization of the adhesive interface between tooth substrates and biomaterials. The paper underscores the crucial role of digital workflows and the development of new adhesive technique, resin composite materials, and non-destructive testing methods in shaping the future of restorative treatments, collectively termed Advanced MI Dentistry. We call for further basic and clinical studies to continue advancing this vital field.
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  • Daisuke TAKEGAWA, Kazuhide YONEKURA, Hitomi KURAMOTO, Yumika IDA, Yuki ...
    2023 Volume 36 Issue 1 Pages 8-12
    Published: 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: September 22, 2023
    Direct composite restorations have been widely accepted as a reliable bonded restorative option to achieve minimal intervention with improved physical properties of resin composite and advancement of adhesive systems. Recently, relatively complicated Class II composite restorations have been more frequently performed because they are esthetically pleasing and easily accepted by patients.
    In these years, auxiliary instruments such as matrix retainers and wedges for restoring Class II cavities have been enhanced. Using these instruments appropriately brings a promising clinical outcome restoring functions and esthetics of even posterior teeth in Class II cavities. This article will introduce instruments and techniques that can be easily incorporated into daily practice for Class II direct composite restorations, where it is difficult to restore the contact tightness and the anatomy of the proximal surfaces.
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