Journal of Prosthodontic Research
Journal of Prosthodontic Research (JPR) is published 4 times annually, in January, April, July, and October, under the supervision of the JPR Editorial Committee of the Japan Prosthodontic Society, which selects all materials submitted for publication.

JPR originated as the official journal of the Japan Prosthodontic Society. It has continued to grow as a leading journal of prosthodontic research covering all aspects of oral and occlusal rehabilitation, fixed/removable prosthodontics, oral implantology, and applied oral biology and physiology. The Journal will cover all diagnostic and clinical management aspects necessary to reestablish subjective and objective harmonious oral aesthetics and function.

The most-targeted topics:
1)     Clinical Epidemiology and Prosthodontics
2)     Fixed/Removable Prosthodontics
3)     Oral Implantology
4)     Geriatric Dentistry
5)     Dental Materials / Adhesive Dentistry / Aesthetic Dentistry
6)     Digital Dentistry
7)     Oral Physiology and Biomechanics (Masticating and Swallowing Function, Parafunction, e.g., bruxism)
8)     Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs)
9)     Maxillofacial Prosthodontics and Dysphagia Rehabilitation
10)   Prosthodontics-Related Biosciences (Regenerative Medicine, Bone Biology, Mechanobiology, Microbiology/Immunology)

Prosthodontic treatment may become necessary as a result of developmental or acquired disturbances in the orofacial region, orofacial trauma, or a variety of dental and oral diseases and orofacial pain conditions.

The scientific content of the Journal, therefore, strives to reflect the best of evidence-based clinical dentistry. Modern clinical management should be based on solid scientific evidence, gathered about diagnostic procedures and the properties and efficacy of the chosen intervention. The content of the Journal also includes documentation of the possible side-effects of rehabilitation, as well as prognostic perspectives of the treatment modalities chosen.

The Journal focuses on presenting original research findings and original technical appraisals, as also critical reviews and relevant case reports, and stimulating commentaries and professional debates in the Letters to the Editor column.
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Published by Japan Prosthodontic Society  
1,315 registered articles
(updated on July 27, 2024)
Online ISSN : 1883-9207
Print ISSN : 1883-1958
ISSN-L : 1883-1958
2023 Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
Scopus Pubmed
Featured article
Freehand vs. depth-gauge rotary instruments for veneer preparation: A controlled randomized simulator study Read more
Editor's pick

Currently, depth gauge instruments are considered the standard of care for veneer preparation. This study involved preparing maxillary and mandibular incisors and typodont teeth mounted in dental treatment simulators, aiming to simulate a clinical setting as closely as possible. It was conducted as a randomized controlled trial with blinded measurements and independent statistical evaluation. 

Applications and performance of artificial intelligence models in removable prosthodontics: A literature review Read more
Editor's pick

This literature review provides a comprehensive overview of the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in removable prosthodontics, offering significant insights into the current state and prospects of this field. The authors have adeptly highlighted AI’s potential to revolutionize diagnostic processes and treatment planning, while also emphasizing the need for more comprehensive research and collaboration to fully integrate AI into prosthodontic workflows. This paper is recommended for readers interested in understanding the impact of AI on prosthodontics and the convergence of dental sciences with technological innovation.

Exploring the relationship between oral health and multiple health conditions: An outcome-wide approach Read more
Editor's pick

The  association between oral health conditions is being increasingly recognized as significant. This epidemiological study examined the relationship between the number of missing teeth, with and without dentures, and the health status of a cohort of elderly individuals. The authors have concluded that preventing tooth loss and providing prosthodontic treatment may be associated with reduced mortality and functional disability, as well as the maintenance of intellectual ability, frequency of social engagement, and improvements in dietary habits. This study underscores the significance of prosthodontic treatment for missing teeth in maintaining the quality of life in elderly individuals.

Effect of filler contents on the bond strength of CAD/CAM resin crowns: New resin primer versus conventional silane agents Read more
Editor's pick

A groundbreaking study has emerged with the potential to revolutionize dental treatments. The latest research has focused on the adhesive strength of resin composite crowns fabricated using CAD/CAM technology. This study compared the efficacy of a novel resin primer containing methyl methacrylate (MMA) with those of conventional silane agents. The results showed that treatment with MMA-containing primers improved the adhesion between the resin composite blocks and resin cement. In addition, the MMA-containing primer formed a 5-10 μm layer at the interface, exhibiting a distinct adhesion mechanism via silane treatment. These findings provide major insights into the development of novel bonding protocols for dental care. Expectations are high for future advancements in the theory of adhesion mechanisms.

Ceramic partial laminate veneers in anterior teeth: A literature review Read more
Editor's pick

This literature review explored small ceramic restorations adhesively luted onto unprepared anterior teeth, also known as partial laminate veneers, fabricated from traditional ceramic and/or resin composite. From an electronic search, laboratory studies have suggested promising mechanical and optical performances for partial laminate veneers, and clinical reports have highlighted the large variability in material selection and application protocols. Overall, the review suggests comparable performance to traditional veneers but also indicates low-quality evidence for ceramic partial laminate veneers, thus emphasizing the need for further clinical studies with extended follow-up periods to confirm their effectiveness.

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