The Journal of Organization and Discourse
Online ISSN : 2435-2780
Volume 3
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • Reflective narratives in Japanese undergraduate seminar courses
    Shoko Ikeda, Takashi Yoshinaga, Toru Kiyomiya
    2023 Volume 3 Pages 1-11
    Published: April 30, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: April 30, 2023
    In this article, we explore how management educators can design courses that enable their students to link their classroom learning to real business environments. We focus on a reflective narrative-based storytelling process in which students make sense of management knowledge from their Japanese undergraduate seminar courses, called “zemi.” It is a learning environment as well as a community where students experience “here-now” cases on an ongoing basis. This research collected narratives from students in a zemi facilitated by the second author. We analyze the students’ reflective narratives on learning from their experiences and demonstrate that their sensemaking processes are situated in their learning relations. Our findings show that when the learning process is linked closely to one’s self-exploration and relational maturity, the students can make broader interpretations of knowledge. Specifically, they become able to make sense of management knowledge as relational achievement.
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  • Through the Lens of Emotional-oriented Theories
    Yu-Hsu (Sean) Hsu, Connie Chang
    2023 Volume 3 Pages 12-19
    Published: April 30, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: April 30, 2023
    Despite decades of research, most research investigating issues concerning staff recruitment and retention in the family firm setting tends to concentrate on non-family employees. Relatively little attention has been paid to family members of the owner(s) of the firm as well as the non-core family employees. This trend is also manifest in Chinese family business research. The article seeks to shed light on issues associated with family employees, in particular the non-core family employees, regarding the reasons why they joined their family firm and why they will remain in the firm through the lens of a combination of two theoretical perspectives, namely, the stewardship theory and socioemotional wealth theory. A qualitative research approach is adopted to illustrate the phenomenon in-depth. A semi-structured interview is utilised as a means of data collection. Our main findings indicate that the reasons for family members to join and remain in the family firm are affected by a number of factors, such as in what way they perceive the future of the business and their personal career development in the company, their emotional ties with the owners’ family, and the practices or norms regarding the extent to which and how family members should be involved in the business.
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  • Strategy as Leverage of Local Institutions
    Toshio Takagi, Masayasu Takahashi
    2023 Volume 3 Pages 20-25
    Published: April 30, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: April 30, 2023
    As shown by the discussion on strategy as practice in recent years, if it is assumed that the strategy does NOT identify “a reification category” or “organization has,” there is the difference with the local institutional rules in that the subject has been assumed, and it is the chance of organizing a strategy for the institution is changed. Through this process, it is possible to emancipate from the effectiveness and universal discourse of existing strategy theory. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the history of the strategy theory and the development of existing research, especially the process school and content school. As a rationality bias exists in strategy theory, consequently, it separates from strategy practice and the practice of strategy theory by the researcher is constructed. In addition, we discuss two theoretical difficulties when the strategy is discussed regarding how the person concerned with the firm strategy practice can be described, and, explain the possibility of using the strategy as leverage of the local institution.
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  • Masayasu Takahashi, Akira Kimata
    2023 Volume 3 Pages 26-31
    Published: April 30, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: April 30, 2023
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