Landscape Planning & Horticulture
Online ISSN : 2758-8882
Print ISSN : 2185-3657
Volume 19
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • Taiki Masui, Yoshihiro Sawada, Satoshi Tsuda
    2017 Volume 19 Pages 1-11
    Published: December 31, 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: December 26, 2023
    We examined the transition in the grassland areas and vegetation changes over time based on land use types and management in the grasslands of Kanpu-zan, Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture. Farmers harvested to utilize grassland resources until the 1960’s in Kanpu-zan. In the 1970's, grassland utilization gradually declined, and it has become an area for tourism. The grassland area in Kanpu-zan changed along with this transformation in usage. The grassland in our study area was 319 ha in 1975, but it had decreased to 138 ha by 2014. This result shows that extensive grassland management had ceased. We conducted vegetation surveys in three types of areas to clarify vegetation changes because of the abandonment of grassland management. We had two types of management areas: high frequency, where mowing occurred more than twice a year, and low frequency, where mowing occurred once a year or only once over several years. The last type was areas where grassland management had been abandoned. Our results showed that the vegetation varied depending on the management frequency. Indicator species that continuously appeared in management areas were grassland plants, and the frequency of occurrence of these plants declined in the abandonment area. In particular, the frequency of occurrence of endangered species, including Erigeron thunbergii A. Gray subsp. Thunbergii, Aeginetia sinensis G. Beck, and Vincetoxicum pycnostelma Kitag., was greatly diminished. However, grasslands were conserved in the abandoned management area, and did not transition into forest. Nonetheless, although it remained a grassland, it did not preserve high species diversity because the vegetation was altered, and grassland species were reduced or absent. In summary, when grassland management frequency and area is reduced, it is predicted that the grassland species that characteristically inhabit the Kanpu-zan may become extinct. Therefore, to maintain abundant grassland ecosystems in Kanpu-zan, it is necessary to initiate and continue new management methods that are not dependent on the policy of local governments, and grassland management should continue.
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  • Shohei Okamoto, Yue Shen, Satoshi Yamamoto, Yutaka Shiroyama, Asami Mi ...
    2017 Volume 19 Pages 13-17
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: December 26, 2023
    The garden has been utilized very much as the space that did life wealthily by a gardening boom after the 1990s. It is used as a place of the communication with the local person without only enjoying the use in individuals, and staying. I suggested the repair plan from the viewpoint of landscape in a repair plan of the outside space in the personal house in Awaji city by this production for the site that large-scale, had various elements and scenes, space with the publicity. Specifically, this is the suggestion that made the unity such as the natural posture in the whole space. 1) The formation of the topography which was full of ups and downs while securing space for grand golf. 2) The formation of the new base by having installed a tree house-shaped tea-ceremony room in the important viewpoint ground. 3) Principle about removal and the transplant of the existing tree, and Planting full of the changes that adopted a tree and herbaceous plant with the color taste.
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  • Naoki Takeda
    2017 Volume 19 Pages 19-31
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: December 26, 2023
    Based on the discourse of Augustin BERQUE et al., I set the following hypothesis. "The beauty of the landscape is not in the environment but in the interior of the person who sees it. The beauty of the landscape is established by education related to painting and literature, etc. Without such education, the beauty of the landscape is not recognized." However, when trying to express the beauty of the landscape based on the hypothesis of BERQUE et al., a feeling of incompatibility arises. Apart from the beauty of landscapes established by education, there arises a question as to whether there exists an environment that humans instinctively recognize positively at the genetic level. Therefore, I present typical cases of landscape which looks beautiful by education according to hypothesis of BERQUE et al., and typical case of environment which looks beautiful at the genetic level. I analyzed each typical case by using the past research. As a result, the hypothesis of BERQUE et al., is correct if it limits to the beauty of landscape created after the time the concept of landscape was established. But actually while the area of landscape contains an environment that looks beautiful at the genetic level that existed before the time when the concept of landscape was established, the beauty of all landscapes is not said to be attributed to education. In this regard, the hypothesis of BERQUE et al., is wrong.
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  • Hisroshi Takeyama, Takehide Murakami
    2017 Volume 19 Pages 33-39
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: December 26, 2023
    20 years passed from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Kobe city, the local government developed a vision for the future to redesign of the city function in March, 2015. In this plan, it is described that the Higashi-Yuenchi becomes the lawn grass, and the citizens who work and play with a family in the park. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to clarify the changes in usage behavior by the pilot project named "URBAN PICNIC" that we changed the ground to lawn grass and installed a library and a cafe as a device to promote a stay action temporarily. As a result, it was clarified that the residence time increased to approximately 2 times when it covered with turf. And also many infants and small dogs were playing on the grass, and the users who looked at it again were seen a lot.
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