The KeMCo Review
The KeMCo Review is an academic journal dedicated to sharing research and practices related to the activities of the Keio Museum Commons (KeMCo), both within and outside the university. It is published annually as an open-access journal, freely available online.
Each issue of The KeMCo Review comprises ‘Original Articles for Special Issue’ and ‘Research Note for Special Issue’ centered on the issue’s theme, as well as ‘Original Articles’ and ‘Research Note’ addressing topics beyond the featured theme.
Original articles and research notes encompass a broad spectrum of research and practical outcomes associated with the diverse fields connected to the activities of KeMCo.

Example Topics:
Commons, Universities and Cultural Properties, Exhibitions, Collections, Object-Based Learning, Co-Learning, Open Education, Community and Museum, Digital Museum, Digital Fabrication Lab, Cultural Property-Related Information, Culture and Information Technology, Digital Archive, Digital Humanities, Open Science
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Published by Keio Museum Commons  
33 registered articles
(updated on July 27, 2024)
Online ISSN : 2758-7452
Print ISSN : 2758-7444
Most viewed articles (June 2024)
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