I introduce the Red Moon (RM) approach based on an efficient and systematic new RM method for dealing with complex reaction (CR) systems that exhibit chemical phenomena typical of molecular aggregation states. First, the theoretical background of the RM approach is presented, which was developed due to the need to perform "atomistic" molecular simulations of large-scale and long-term phenomena such as (i) complex chemical reactions, (ii) stereospecificity, and (iii) aggregation structures. I also mention its critical characteristics, touching on the assumption of landscape similarity. The RM approach uses molecular dynamics (MD) for molecular motions (translation, rotation, and vibration) that frequently occur on short time scales, and Monte Carlo (MC) for rare events, such as chemical reactions that rarely occur on that time scale. The MC method is then used to test and determine if the trial is feasible under the transition rate, which is evaluated by the potential energy difference before and after the trial of the rare event and its chemical kinetic probability (Metropolis method). Next, typical applications of the RM method in two main research areas, (i) polymerization and (ii) storage batteries (rechargeable and secondary batteries), will be reviewed along with various examples of our successful studies. Finally, I conclude that the RM approach using the RM methodology should be an efficient new-generation approach as one of the promising computational molecular technologies (CMT). I believe that the RM approach will play an essential role in investigating various specificities of CR systems in molecular aggregation states at multi-level resolution.