Recently we proposed a method of compiling prioritized circumscription into answer set programming. However, its encoding has the
guess and check structure, where the candidates are generated by the
guess program and the check is expressed by the inconsistency of the
check program. In this paper, we present another method which compiles prioritized circumscription into a single general disjunctive program (GDP) by means of integration of the guess and check programs. The answer sets of the transformed GDP yield models of a given circumscription by emulating the inconsistency of the
check program using integrity constraints. Thanks to our integration technique, the circumscriptive theorem prover to evaluate a query with respect to prioritized circumscription is easily established by expressing the inconsistency check in a single GDP. Our experimental results show that the performance of the tool we have implemented using our new method has not only improved remarkably, i.e. reduction of runtime as compared to our previous method, but has also exceeded that of the recently developed software tool,
prio_circ2dlp, for prioritized circumscription as far as our experiments are concerned.