Recent years have seen progress in multi-functioning through information and communication equipment, such as personal computers and multi-function printers. Consumers are increasingly using multi-functional devices. One of the most vital aspects of the communication function is response time (RT). The length of the RT may be indefinite because it depends on the situation in which the communication occurs. Therefore, there is a possibility that user complaints may arise. Thus, user satisfaction in this regard is important. Companies that make information and communication equipment must improve usability by considering users" Kansei, that is, the perceptions or feelings of human beings.
RT can be considered in two ways. One way is to devise the display content to prevent users from getting bored, such as animation. The other way is to make a good impression throughout the entire operation, such as through a "smooth" and "comfortable" user experience. However, the question remains: how may RT be used to provide a good impression?
First, this study divided the operational process into two parts: "pressing a button" and "waiting during the RT." Problematic operational processes were cleared by tracing users" emotional ups and downs. Such problematic operational processes were improved upon by understanding the Kansei evaluation structure, which is a network model representing the cause–effect relationship between each evaluation word based on users" evaluations.
Next, language-related data on user requirements were grasped through an interview on the usability of the entire operation and each operational process. The Kansei evaluation words (i.e., words used by users to express their feelings/perceptions) for the entire process, such as "comfortable throughout the entire process," and for each operational process, such as "the first wait is too long," were selected. A survey on the semantic differential method using the Kansei evaluation words was conducted. Then, the Kansei evaluation structure related to the entire process was determined. Our analysis enables us to understand how to use the function of RT to provide satisfactory user experience.
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