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クエリ検索: "日本における同性愛"
9件中 1-9の結果を表示しています
  • 本質主義/社会構築主義を越えて
    島袋 海理
    2022年 5 巻 91-105
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/11/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 釜野 さおり
    2017年 29 巻 2 号 200-215
    発行日: 2017/10/31
    公開日: 2018/11/08
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 三上 純, 井上 文夫
    2019年 61 巻 5 号 276-284
    発行日: 2019/12/20
    公開日: 2019/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー

    Background: In 2015, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) published a report on sexual minority students, including those with gender identity disorder. This promoted discussions on sexual minorities in schools. Reports showed that teachers did not respond to such students adequately, and teachers may hurt the feelings of sexual minority students, suggesting that school is not a safe space for them. In particular, support for sexual minority students in physical education classes is important as shown in the MEXT report.

    Objective: This study aimed to investigate and identify the main characteristics of the knowledge and attitudes of school teacher trainees who majored in health and physical education (HPE) toward sexual minorities.

    Methods: A questionnaire survey was administered to 393 students belonging to “A” university for training students to be teachers. There were 377 questionnaires recovered and 351 valid respondents (response rate =89.3%), of which 127 students majored in HPE, and 224 students majored in other subjects. The survey included basic information regarding respondents, learning experiences and knowledge about sexual minorities, attitudes toward sexual minorities, including homophobia (irrational fear and hatred of homosexuals), transphobia (irrational fear and hatred of transgender individuals), seeing and hearing aggression toward sexual minorities, experiences involving sexual minorities, and perspectives on education.

    Results: In the group of students who majored in HPE, “normative-men” (cis-gendered, heterosexual) tended to make sexual minorities invisible and reinforce homophobia and transphobia more than “normativewomen” (cis-gendered, heterosexual). In the group of “normative-men, ”students who majored in HPE showed this tendency more than students who majored in other subjects. Students who were not close to sexual minorities tended to make sexual minorities invisible and reinforce homophobia and transphobia more than students who were close to them.

    Conclusion: This study showed that the students who majored in HPE demonstrated strong homophobia and transphobia more than the students majoring in other subjects.

    However, many of students who recognized the existence of sexual minorities had known others who had come out or disclosed their sexual identity; the homophobia and transphobia of such students subsequently weakened. Thus, the act of coming out is a key factor in encouraging awareness of the existence of sexual minorities.

  • 川坂 和義
    2020年 27 巻 82-86
    発行日: 2020/04/15
    公開日: 2021/10/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 風間 孝
    2002年 53 巻 3 号 348-364
    発行日: 2002/12/31
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿の目的は, 同性愛者であることを公言するカミングアウトの実践が持つ政治性を明らかにすることにある.まず, 性について語ることによって解放された自然状態への移行を目指す解放主義者の言説が, 同性愛嫌悪に回収されることを指摘する.つぎに, 自己のセクシュアリティを公言するカミングアウトを告白と同一視する一部の社会構築主義者の主張は, セクシュアリティの装置の中における自らの位置を問いたださない点で, 当の装置と同延上にある点を指摘する.
    東京都が同性愛者団体の青年の家利用を拒絶したことに端を発する訴訟の分析を踏まえて, カミングアウトを, 権力関係のない状態を目指す解放にかわって, 権力の外部に立つのではなく権力の中にとどまりつつ, 同性愛嫌悪の社会における権力行使のあり方を変える抵抗の行為として位置付ける.そのうえで, カミングアウトが, 公/私を貫く規範として異性愛規範があることを顕在化させるとともに, セクシュアリティの装置が性的欲望を秘密として設定することを通じて自己の真理を生産していく知の枠組みを疑問に付す行為であることを明らかにする.
  • ――『仮面の告白』と『禁色』とを中心に――
    朴 秀浄
    2019年 61 巻 60-75
    発行日: 2019/03/31
    公開日: 2022/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー

     Confessions of a Mask (1949) and Forbidden Colors (1951-53) are important works for understanding the reception and development of Western sexology in Mishima Yukio. From the end of the Meiji period and into the Taisho period, a number of monographs on sexology were translated into Japanese. Japanese scholars and writers actively responded to this and published their own research. Mishima showed a great interest in such books and explored them with enthusiasm. He then wrote Confessions of a Mask and Forbidden Colors, which are both concerned with male homosexuality. It is noteworthy that Magnus Hirschfeld is quoted in Confessions of a Mask and Havelock Ellis's theory is mentioned in Forbidden Colors, though little discussion on this has been done in previous studies.

     This paper will complement previous research by empirically comparing Mishima's text with the books on sexology he used when he was writing Confessions of a Mask and Forbidden Colors. In order to do this, Mishima's collection catalogue and materials Mishima actually read are analyzed, and the difference between the original books and quotes are identified. In addition, by clarifying what knowledge of sexology is included in Confessions of a Mask and Forbidden Colors, on homosexuality in particular, and by examining the two works comprehensively, this paper presents the development and change in Mishima's homosexual discourse.

  • ―― 2009年以降の文献と実践家向けの資料を中心に ――
    三部 倫子
    2016年 41 巻 77-93
    発行日: 2016/07/10
    公開日: 2017/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • フーコー以降のセクシュアリティ研究に向けて
    金田 智之
    2003年 2003 巻 16 号 126-137
    発行日: 2003/06/13
    公開日: 2010/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Coming Out” is a central concept in Lesbian and Gay studies. Ordinary, this word means that one tells her/his sexuality to others. But, In Lesbian and Gay studies, “Coming Out” has a special meaning. According to D. Altman, “Coming Out” is an action that liberates gay people from social oppression towards sexual behavior. However, Foucault later criticized this idea. He stressed our subjection to a web of knowledge/power which denies any possibility of liberation. Lesbian and Gay studies accepted Foucault's idea, and “Coming Out” was then regarded as an act of resistance. But this interpretation was a mistake. As a result of this acceptance, Lesbian and Gay studies have lost a concrete object for a politic of resistance. The aim of this paper is to reconsider the notion of power and “Coming Out”.
  • 風間 孝
    2003年 14 巻 2 号 32-42
    発行日: 2003/01/31
    公開日: 2010/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は, 同性婚の政治性を明らかにすることを目的とする。まず, 近代家族が異性愛規範に基づくことにより, 同性愛者を周縁化し, 家族を形成する機会を奪ってきたことを論じた。つぎに, 近代家族を批判する立場からの婚姻制度の解体が多様性の承認につながるという主張は, 権力関係の外部を前提にしていることを指摘した。
    最後に, 家族制度擁護論に基づく反対論の分析を通じて3つの点を指摘した。第1に婚姻の定義に基づく同性婚の拒絶は法が特定の定義を採用する恣意性を隠蔽することによって成り立っていること。第2に生殖に基づく拒絶は同性カップルが規範的異性愛家族およびジェンダーの (再) 生産につながらないことを理由としており, それゆえに同性婚の要求は家族と規範的異性愛とジェンダーの結びつきに異議申立てを行うものであること。第3に同性婚の要求は, 近代の特徴である異性愛規範に基づいた公/私二元論の枠組みを問題化するものであること。