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3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 藤田 由美子
    1992年 1 巻 39-49
    発行日: 1992/06/30
    公開日: 2017/10/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Most of the research on sex differences in teaching materials have focused on sex role stereotypes in textbooks. However, it is necessary to examine not only textbooks but also TV materials. This paper reports the results of a language analysis of NHK Television School Educational Broadcasting Programs. Particular attention was paid to usage of language which may mark sex differences and could represent a "hidden curriculum". First, 1st-grade programs for arithmetic, science and moral education televised from January to March, 1991, are analyzed using R. F. Bales' interaction process analysis framework. Second, the characters' language is analyzed. The language analysis focuses on particles and intonations at the end of the sentences. Third, as a comparison with the characters' language, language of 1st-grade pupils is analyzed in the same way. Fourth, to examine the pupils' familiarity with the character, thirty-seven lst-grade pupils who always watch the moral education program were asked several questions. Regarding interaction process analysis, it was found that the sex differences are not clear. However, there are some sex differences in the characters' language : Boys tend to speak more directly ; girls tend to speak more indirectly and more politely. These tendencies are not clear with 1st-grade pupils. Finally, the pupils tend to feel friendly toward the char-acters of the same sex, and they tend to like the ones whose activities are sex-role congruent. In conclusion, the TV programs may present one model of masculinity or femininity at least regarding language and play a role of a hidden curriculum, and that the pupils may be influenced by the programs as a result of familiarity with the characters.
  • 宇治橋 祐之
    2019年 69 巻 1 号 2-17
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/02/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    1959年1月、日本初の教育専門局として開局したNHK東京教育テレビジョンは2019年で60年を迎える。当初は学校放送番組や語学番組などの講座番組が中心であったが、1980年代には社会全体が生涯学習を志向するようになったこともあり、子ども向け番組や、社会人そして高齢者を対象とした番組が増え、90年代からは「ゾーン編成」が取り入れられる。2000年代になると、さらに多様な番組を展開するとともに学校放送番組や趣味実用番組を中心に、インターネットへの展開を積極的に進める。2009年、教育テレビ開局50年には「ETV50 学ぶ冒険」をテーマに特別番組やイベントを開催。2011年には「Eテレ」という愛称を採用、「未来を志向するチャンネル」として番組を改変、2017年からは「みつかるEテレ」をキャッチコピーとして、さまざまなキャンペーンやイベントを展開している。本稿では教育テレビ60年の歴史を、各年度の「国内放送番組編集の基本計画」と放送番組時刻表を基に、NHK放送文化研究所の調査や論考、教育テレビ開局周年記念番組の内容などを参照しながらみていく。
  • 小平 さちこ
    1994年 19 巻 19-44
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2017/07/18
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    In 1988 Channel 11 started broadcasting as a TV network with an emphasis on public education in Thailand: 60 percent of its total program hours are devoted to educational programs. For its broadcasting, many programs have been sent from Japan: these include NHK's school broadcasts such as "Science Class (Rika Kyoshitsu)" Series and pre-school series called "With Mother (Okaasanto Issho)". In early 1989, plans were drawn up for a Thai-Japanese cooperative study to analyze the effectiveness of these NHK's educational programs for children in Thai primary schools. Three primary schools were selected representing the three different civic bodies governing the schools both in Bangkok and provincial area. A total of 1,039 pupils (grades 1-6) and 20 teachers were involved in the study. In order to meet a variety of objectives of the study, various sets of surveys were designed as follows and carried out in May and June, 1990. STUDY 1 A) GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE--- to obtain general information of the children's TV-viewing habits, including viewing hours, program preferences, access to Japanese animated cartoons, access to NHK's ETV programs, and parents' recommendation and control of TV-viewing. [No. of resultant samples-1,039 ] STUDY 2 : Evaluation of three programs of NHK's "Science Class" : "Magnet and Magnet" for grade 3, "Water and Vapor" for grade 4, "The Secret of the Seed" for grade 5. [693] B)SCIENCE TEST---to evaluate the role and the effectiveness of the science programs in increasing the pupils' factual knowledge on the particular subjects. The same tests were carried out before and after viewing the programs. [693] C)PROGRAM TEST---to analyze pupils' impressions and opinions of the science programs. [693] D)TEACHER INTERVIEW---to investigate the teachers' comments on the science programs above and general attitudes in using TV programs as educational materials. [20] MAIN RESULTS STUDY 1: The overall data indicate that Thai children are rather heavy TV viewers, with 51% watching more than 3 hours on weekdays. Access to TV is higher among Bangkok children than country children. As for program preferences, children in Bangkok are absorbed in watching Japanese cartoons, while, country children still prefer Thai dramas.The most popular Japanese cartoon is "Doraemon" both in Bangkok and the provincial area. 82% of the children find the NHK's ETV programs "very interesting." Among various programs, "Science Class" is the most popular in all three schools and in every grade. Parents and teachers also think highly of these NHK's ETV programs. The viewing of these programs is encouraged by 75% of the children"s parents and 63% of their teachers. STUDY 2: The results of the three programs in terms of effectiveness as well as audience evaluation show that the NHK's "Science Class" Series are effective as educational material for Thai pupils. The programs have a practical and immediate ability to potentially increase the pupils' knowledge on the contents. The highlights of the programs are the experiments, which bring a lot of excitement and stimulus for the pupils. The effects of the programs in three sample schools, considered to represent three different levels of learning ability, fails to produce a consistent pattern than can prove the programs are highly effective or extremely ineffective with particular groups of pupils. NHK's science series thus achieve their objectives by demonstrating that they can be used for nation-wide broadcasting in Thailand. The degrees of difficulty in each series seem to be suitable for the Thai pupils, so the series can be used for school broadcasts as well. Children at a provincial area are considered representative of the majority of Thai pupils. On each of the programs, its

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
