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14件中 1-14の結果を表示しています
  • 片岡
    , 片岡 智徳, 田邊 美加
    2019年 72 巻 12 号 761-766
    発行日: 2019/12/20
    公開日: 2020/01/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    11歳,雄,体重18kgのシェットランドシープドッグが,起立困難と跛行を主訴に来院した.その後,横臥状態となり,右後肢にガス壊疽が認められた.患部の細胞診ではクロストリジウム属を疑う芽胞菌が観察され,broad-range PCRを利用した遺伝子解析にてClostridium novyi と確定した.抗菌薬投与などの治療を行うも斃死した.犬において,クロストリジウム性筋炎やガス壊疽はまれな疾患であり,またその原因菌としてClostridium perfringensClostridium septicum などの報告はあるが,Clostridium novyi の報告はない.

  • 中村 司朗, 山田 静之, 平田 義正
    1966年 87 巻 2 号 171-179,A10
    発行日: 1966/02/10
    公開日: 2011/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 政田 早苗, 片岡
    , 加藤 郁, 高島 一昭, 坂井 尚子, 山根 義久
    2004年 13 巻 3,4 号 119-123
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2007/11/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 政田 早苗, 片岡
    , 加藤 郁, 高島 一昭, 坂井 尚子, 山根 義久
    2005年 14 巻 1 号 29-33
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2007/11/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    抗Aモノクローナル抗体とTriticum vulgaris レクチンを用いた赤血球凝集反応による猫用血液型判定試薬の臨床的有用性を評価した。鳥取県内で飼育されている65例の猫に対し本試薬を用いて試験を実施し,60例(92.3%)をA型,2例(3.1%)をB型,3例(4.6%)をAB型と判定した。このうち,A型6例,B型2例,AB型2例について同一血液検体で試験を連続して5回行い,すべて同じ結果が得られ再現性が認められた。また,A型,B型,AB型の血液をドナー血液とし,A型7例,B型1例,AB型2例について従来法であるクロスマッチ試験を実施した。B型血漿との試験では,A型血球,AB型血球はいずれも凝集し,A型血漿とB型血球,AB型血球との試験では,凝集が認められないものがあった。このことから,クロスマッチ試験によりAB型血液と抗B自然抗体のないA型血液を判別できないことが確認された。以上のことから,赤血球凝集反応による猫用血液型判定試薬は,簡易,迅速に猫のABシステムの血液型を判定することができ,臨床現場における輸血前適合検査として,また,新生子溶血現象を避けるための適合妊娠検査として有用であると考えられた。
  • アニサキス幼虫の分離検出法
    大石 圭一, 岡 重美, 平沖 道治
    1971年 37 巻 3 号 186-191
    発行日: 1971/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Anisakiasis in man is caused by the penetration of Anisakis worms into the walls of gastro-intestinal tracts. These Anisakis worms are parasitic in the muscle and viscera of sea-fish. The disease may become prevalent among people who often take these fish as raw steak or through other forms of raw dishes. For prevention against the disease, it is necessary to kill the worms or avoid eating raw fish.
    In this investigation, four numerical detective methods of Anisakis larvae were tested from the view point of prevention against the disease, Since it is presumed that Anisakiasis can be prevented only by the avoidance of taking raw fish that carries these parasitic worms seven kinds of sea-animals, i.e. mackerel, jack-mackerel, flatfish, squid, prawn, short-necked clams and surf-clams were used as test animals. The following test methods were applied, i.e., 1) glass pressure method, 2) preservation at fixed temperatures (autolysis including putrefactive decomposition), 3) enzymatic digestion by using some commercial preparations on the market, 4) digestion by bacterial protease secreted for 5 to 6 days at 37°C.
    The results investigated are summarized as follows: The worms were easily detected by the glass pressure method in the case of ordinary muscles. When the dark muscle was used, detection of the worms by this method was difficult, it being that the worms were not transparent and not reflective under sun light. For the viscera, especially the digestive tracts, the same difficulty was found by this method. Autolysis including bacterial decay was preferable for the estimation of worms from the viscera. Both enzymatic digestions by commercial preparations on the market and bacterial decomposition were not useful for worm detection in the sample meats used.
  • 岡田 修一, 籔根 敏和, 山崎 俊輔, 出口 達也, 猪熊 真, 浅見 高明
    1998年 31 巻 2 号 55-63
    発行日: 1998/12/30
    公開日: 2012/11/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to compare the balancing ability against abrupt acceleration of elderly males with practicing Judo (Judoists) with that of elderly male walkers (Walkers). In addition, a comparison proprioceptive sense and motor function of Judoists with Walkers were examined. Six Judoists (a mean age of 70.7+2.1 year, mean experience of Judo of 56.2 ± 3.1 years) and seven Walkers (a mean age of 69.3±2.5 years) were volunteered for this study. Changes in the center of foot pressure (CFP)during postural sway against abrupt acceleration were measured for all subjects. Response time and CFP displacement were evaluated for the CFP data. Their sensory and motor function tests (knee proprioceptive sence, muscle strength, flexibility, reaction time, static balance) were also administered.
    The following results were obtained.
    1. The responce time and CFP displacement were significantly (p <.05) smaller in the Judoists compared to the Walkers.
    2. The Judoists exhibited significantly (p<.05) smaller errors in passive knee proprioceptive sense than did the Walkers.
    3. The Judoists exhibited significantly (p<.05) greater strength and flexibility of the ankle and hip, and decreased choice reaction time.
    These result suggest that the postural balancing ability in the elderly males with practicing Judo was sufficient compared to the elderly males with walking, which was due to the influence of increased proprioceptive function, muscular strength and flexibility of the legs and hips, and decreased choice reaction time in the Judoists.
  • 永田 二郎, 神野 敏美, 村上 弘城, 加藤 剛, 古池 真也, 高木 大志
    2003年 64 巻 5 号 1137-1141
    発行日: 2003/05/25
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    症例は64歳,男性.発熱,喘鳴,腹痛を主訴として当院に紹介入院となった.左下腹部に圧痛を認め, CTで小腸の部分的な壁肥厚と,腹腔内に限局性の貯留液を認めた.小児期からの既往である喘息の増悪もあり,入院当初は炎症性腸疾患として保存的に治療を行っていたが,腹痛が増強し入院9日目に手術を施行した.開腹すると,小腸,大網および腹壁に被われた限局性の腹膜炎で,約500mlの膿性腹水を認めた.術前・術後の血清学的検査より,アニサキスによる小腸穿孔と診断された.術後経過は良好であり,呼吸器症状は消失し, 6週間後には特異的IgE型アニサキス抗体も正常化した.食物アレルゲンのひとつであるアニサキスは,蕁麻疹などのアレルギー症状を誘発するとされており,本症例の喘息発作はアニサキスによる遅発型喘息反応である可能性が示唆された.
  • 小出 和欣, 小出 由紀子, 長澤 裕, 佐藤 秀樹, 長久
    , 片岡 智徳, 坂井 尚子, 高島 一昭, 清水 美希, 山根 義久
    2003年 12 巻 3 号 131-139
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2007/11/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菅谷 彪, 石丸 修, 亀山 宏平, 中山 康夫, 船崎 善三郎, 加茂 甫, 松下 敏夫
    1988年 36 巻 6 号 1167-1173
    発行日: 1988/03/20
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 浅見 高明, 平井 仁
    1996年 29 巻 2 号 60-68
    発行日: 1996/10/31
    公開日: 2012/11/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    We recorded breathings and the patterns of motion of rib cage, upper abdomen and lower abdomen on the breathing methods in three subjects trained by the oriental training methods, and tried to determine the ways of respiratory movement. To monitor breathings, we used a pneumotachograph, and for the patterns of motion of three parts, we used three respiration pickups (rubber tube enclosed carbon). Though some problems remained, the results told us that it was possible to analyze more complicated respiratory movements by means of the method of measurement in this study. And some of the ways of respiratory movements were also able to determine. Simultaneously we estimated the postures by the spinal curvatures recorded by a conformateur, and two ways of adjusting posture was observed. Relationships between the ways of adjusting posture and the ways of respiratory movement need further study.
  • 大島 正満
    1956年 5 巻 1-2 号 1-11
    発行日: 1956/01/30
    公開日: 2011/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Kuma River of the Kumamoto Prefecture is famous in producing “ayu, ” Plecoglossus altivelis, of good quality, due to the suitable environmental conditions. Quite recently, however, utilization of the stream for the sake of generation of electricity necessitated to erect the darn of 34 meter high at the down stream in order to construct water reservoir. The Prefectural Government started the works last year and the dam. which is not provided any fish ways has been completed on 10 th of December, 1954, shutting up completely the passway of the anadromous fishes especially.
    Consequently, complains of fishermen and inhabitants of the upper streams opposing to the policy of the Government paying no attention for fish culture, especially to keep good name of Kuma River in “ayu” fishing, became furious. In order to solve this hard problems, viz, electricity nor fishing industry, authorities of the Government promissed to liberate large number of “ayu” fry in the upper streams per year, to meet the both ends.
    This attempts has been fulfilled for the first time in the spring ot the present year since, fries of sea-run form caught at the estuary of Kuma River and other parts in Kiushu as well as dwarf land-locked form of the Lake Biwa and Ikeda being libertated in the main and branch streams of Kuma River.
    In the present paper are shown morphological differences between sea-run form of “ayu, ” grown at the both sides of the dam; effect of suitable baits upon development of land-locked dwarf form of “ayu” originated in the Lake Ikeda ; distinction between sea-run form and land-locked form of “ayu” after fattening, from the stand-point of scale figurations, etc.
  • 工業化学雑誌
    1913年 16 巻 11 号 1324-1337
    発行日: 1913/11/05
    公開日: 2011/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ヂシアンヂアミドよりグアニヂン類の生成に就て(其二)ヂシアンヂアミドとアミン類との反應に依るグアニヂン類の生成Bヂシアンヂアミドとアニリン鹽との熔融反應に依るグアニヂン類生成機構に就て
    杉野 喜一郎
    1939年 60 巻 5 号 411-423
    発行日: 1939年
    公開日: 2009/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 獣医麻酔外科学雑誌
    2001年 32 巻 Supplement1 号 27-338
    発行日: 2001/07/01
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー