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  • 塚田 悟之, 高田 邦道
    2000年 46 巻 2 号 157-175
    発行日: 2000/06/30
    公開日: 2017/05/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    航空機の高速化, 大型化は, 滑走路延長による空港規模の拡大とともに, 騒音や振動による公害問題を生じさせた.その結果, 空港は都心から離れて立地するようになった.そして今日, 都市と空港間のアクセス整備が重要な課題となってきている.本稿は, 時間距離を用いた等時線図を評価尺度に, 空港の有するアクセシビリティを, 時間的・空間的に評価することを目的としている.本稿では, 空港を起点とし, 軌道系交通機関と道路交通を利用した等時線図を作図し, この図から読みとったデータをもとに定量分析を行っている.前半部では, まず, 羽田, 成田, 新千歳, 福岡, 関西の拠点空港におけるアクセシビリティの比較分析をとおして, 各空港のアクセシビリティを評価した.また, 地方空港として初めて空港内に鉄道(空港連絡線)が乗り入れした宮崎空港に着目し, 空港連絡線の乗り入れ効果と自家用車によるアクセシビリティの把握を行った.その結果, 空港アクセスを整備していく際の課題を整理することができた.後半部では, 特に, 羽田空港に焦点を絞り, 等時線図の分析結果と, 旅客へのアンケート調査ならびに空港周辺高速道路の旅行速度調査の両分析結果を併用して, アクセシビリティのあり方について考察することができた.
  • 青山 佾
    2014年 123 巻 4 号 600-613
    発行日: 2014/08/25
    公開日: 2014/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
     The range of Tokyo's big-city functions and activities roughly corresponds to an area of 100km in diameter circumscribed by the planned Ken-O (or Metropolitan Inter-City) Expressway. This basically defines the range of daily economic and social activity in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Tokyo's strength and appeal as a city lie in the way the entire megalopolis has come to function as one vast center of intellectual activity. Today, in response to the emergence of an advanced information society, office buildings are being transformed from places for performing routine administrative tasks to bases for the transmission and reception of information and centers for the kind of knowledge-intensive activity that generates wealth. In the advanced information age, the core function of the office building has evolved from mass-processing of paperwork and clerical tasks to the creation and exchange of knowledge. The amorphous and flexible system makes Tokyo's management both unique and practical. In Tokyo the role in support, development and mutual aid is largely performed by neighborhood associations and other local community organizations. The key characteristics of Tokyo's rail network are the large number of stations, the existence of two complete loop lines, and interline through service between subways and private rail lines. These features are the product of various measures developed during the period of rapid economic growth to make long-distance commuting as smooth as possible for massive numbers of commuters. As a result, Tokyo now has the most convenient rail network of any city in the world. When planning road traffic, the most rational approach is to add several restricted-access ring roads to a city's grid-pattern street plan, constructing them in such a way that they pass under or over other streets. Tokyo has such a plan. Tokyo can now boast a four-runway airport within 15 kilometers of the city center. Tokyo proposes to hold the Olympic Games not in the outer neighborhoods or the suburbs but right in the heart of the city. Cities evolve and the Olympics have a way of accelerating the process. The key is to ensure that evolution is not confined to any one city but contributes to the evolution of human society as a whole. Instead of being an industry-focused metropolis, Tokyo should aim to be a center for the arts, entertainment and sports. Tokyo should show the world a new model of a matured society, in which the quality of life is enhanced. The capital already leads other cities with facilities for elderly citizens and disabled people, but Tokyo still has room to improve as a barrier-free society.