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クエリ検索: "タワーハムレッツ区"
11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 国際労働力移動による連鎖移民が受け入れ国の居住環境に与える影響
    北原 玲子, 大月 敏雄
    2012年 77 巻 680 号 2303-2312
    発行日: 2012/10/30
    公開日: 2013/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, it has aimed to clarify the tendency of Bangladeshi' concentrated community, the quota of ethnic groups, the measure of council and the actual condition of Bangladeshi' life, after being based on the historical circumstances of immigration from Bangladesh to Tower Hamlets in London. Immigration which constitutes the international manpower movement has the tendency to advance living together in the receiving country by taking advantage of original ethnic network. Therefore, the housing problem in Tower Hamlets was clarified as the local characteristic based on the hometown, Sylhet District in Bangladesh.
  • バングラデシュからイギリス及び日本への労働力移動のメカニズム
    北原 玲子, 大月 敏雄, アワル ナンディニ
    2012年 38 巻 65-76
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2017/08/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 原田 晃樹
    2019年 45 巻 493 号 35-71
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2021/05/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 李 燕, 小松 尚
    2015年 80 巻 717 号 2449-2458
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     London Borough of Tower Hamlets has successfully renewed local public libraries as Idea Stores. This research focuses on UK library policies, London spatial plan and Tower Hamlets's community plan, and aims to make clear of progress of reorganization of public library in Tower Hamlets, which corresponds to the local problems and needs.
     It turns out that Tower Hamlets Council relocated the libraries according to the London Plan and local development framework. Besides, it expands library service based on Central Government's library polices as well as Tower Hamlets Community Plan. These policies, especially local government's plan, provide important context for refreshing Tower Hamlets's libraries.
  • 図書館界
    2019年 71 巻 2 号 80-82
    発行日: 2019/07/01
    公開日: 2019/08/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 浩, 中島 明子, 内田 勝一, 笠原 秀樹, 古川 真理夫, 前田 昭彦, 安斎 俊彦, 金子 道雄, 瀬戸口 剛
    1990年 16 巻 263-274
    発行日: 1990年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     近年わが国では,地域に即したよりきめ細かな住宅政策の確立が求められている。その一方で,公共住宅主導型のモデルとして評価が高かったイギリスの住宅政策は,80年代を通じて急激な変動を経験した。本研究では,特に80年代のイギリス住宅政策の分析を通して,わが国の住宅政策に対する教訓を得ることを目的としている。とりわけイギリス住宅政策の中心的役割を担ってきた,地方自治体の対応に着目しながら,基本的動向を地域住宅政策の再構築として把握しようとしている。地域住宅政策の基本的性格として考えられるのは,①地域住民の多様な住要求の把握,②自治体における総合的な行政サービス,③地域社会の形成と住民参加の重視の2点にまとめられよう。このうち住要求の把握については,毎年環境省に提出すHIPs(住宅投資計画)で自治体は経験を蓄積してきている。ところが80年代には,HIPsはその機能と限界を問われ始めた。そればかりでなく,総合的な行政サービスの実現のための,自治体内地域分権さえも出現し,住宅行政全般の見直しも進められてきた。本論では,こうした80年代のイギリス住宅政策の動向を視野に入れながら,次のような課題について具体的な分析を行なった。①住宅政策における国と地方自治体の役割分担の変遷②自治体住宅行政機構と地域分権化の実態③自治体住宅行政における住居管理システムの実態④自治体における地域住宅計画の策定 なお本研究は2か年度にわたり行なわれるもので,ここではその1として報告するものである。
  • ──口ンドン荒廃地区における事例研究から──
    清水 洋行
    2010年 22 巻 83-96
    発行日: 2010/05/08
    公開日: 2021/05/07
    ジャーナル フリー

     The aim of this paper is to examine how social enterprises are different from traditional third sector organizations including NPOs. Some stressed making money in the market as an essential condition of independence of NPOs from governments and some saw social enterprises as a model for NPOs in such context. I think it is one aspect of social enterprises and I am apprehensive that local governments would retreat or abolish the policies on NPO by standing on the inadequate understanding. I try to find another aspect of them in the relationships with a local government under introducing the scheme of local strategic partnership in UK

     I focused on Tower Hamlets area in London. The council started Tower Hamlets Community Plan in 2001 based on Local Government Act 2000 and set Tower Hamlets Partnership as LSP in this area to manage this plan. The procedures of commissioning with third sector organizations are improved in order to achieve the targets of this plan. The targets of this plan are strongly affected by both Local Area Agreement with central government and the reforming of National Health Service. I had interviews with some parts of the council, different types of third sector organizations, social enterprises and infrastructure organizations in this area.

     The research shows that social enterprises have not appeared as a sector or a sub sector in third sector yet. But new aspects of third sector organizations are going to emerge such as providing public services efficiently, managing quality assurance of their services and having accountability for assessments. I think we can see the third sector organizations having such new aspect as social enterprises. We need to consider social enterprises not only in the relationship with the market but in the relationship with governments.

  • 渡戸 一郎
    2011年 2011 巻 74 号 4-9
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2017/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 英国:マナーハウス開発トラスト他2 団体を事例として
    三宅 由佳
    2020年 12 巻 43-52
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/04/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―イースト・ロンドンにおけるコミュニティ開発の現場から―
    藤井 敦史
    2021年 20 巻 2 号 107-115
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 李 燕, 小松 尚
    2016年 81 巻 729 号 2371-2381
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     According to authors' paper of “Relation Between Urban Planning and Reorganization of Public Library ‘Idea Store’ in London, corresponding to the Local Problems and Needs”, it is confirmed that Tower Hamlets (TH) Council renewed local libraries not only according to the policies relating to the public library services, but also according to the policies relating to the London's urban planning and Tower Hamlets' community plan. And it is because of this cooperation between reorganization of public libraries and urban planning, that Idea Store (IS) can correspond to the TH's local problems and needs. Continually, this paper aims to clarify the relation between location, architectural space and arrangement of programme in IS by following three steps.

     The first step is to analyze the location of every IS and features of Wards which they locate in to make clear of the quality of area that IS serve. Even health and employment are two serious problem in TH, but there is also significant inequalities within each IS's surrounding environment. Clearly, the central area in TH has most serious problem of health and employment where ISW and ISCS locate. This explains the difference of learning courses in each IS. Also, ISs locate close to the local markets and subway stations to seduce people's visit combining other daily activities, particularly shopping. Moreover, ISs effort to cooperate with primary schools locating in the town centres in TH.

     The second step is to analyze the sites and architecture space of every ISs including exterior and interior space. Five ISs are all close to the shopping centres and local markets. Except for ISB, the renovated library, they all have colorful and popular facades just like shop, easily accessible by those who are even not familiar with educational facility such as traditional library. On the other hand, regarding interior space, there are several specific rooms equipped in IS which is rare in normal library. Those are Learning Lab, Children's Library, One Stop Shop and Café. Also, reading room in IS usually face to the street and street market, allowing people to speak and talk free. In the meanwhile, learning lab and children's library are placed as relatively quiet spaces facing residential area. All over, each IS has different spatial scale and providing programme, relating to different location and surrounding environment of each Idea Store.

     The third step is to analyze the learning courses and activities of every IS to clarify the relation between location, architectural space and arrangement of programme. IS considered the importance of improve TH's employability by learning course since Idea Store Strategy 1999, A library and Life Long Learning Development Strategy for Tower Hamlets, and health support since Idea Store Strategy 2009. Recently IS even effort to deliver supportive programme for children. In 2014-2015, every IS holds children's activities every week. On the other hand, employment and health learning courses has become mainly offered in ISW, the biggest IS as anchor IS, while other satellite ISs' offer becoming less.

     In conclusion, different quality of surrounding area characterized different architectural space and programme in each IS. Regarding architectural spaces, ISs are designed as popular as shops to welcome the visit by everybody. Especially, make reading space as active area while learning rooms and children's library as quiet area. Regarding programme, IS enhanced local employment and health problem by offering learning courses in library. In meanwhile, ISW is offering most fulfilled programme as anchor IS. This all explains the relation between location, architectural space and arrangement of programme in IS.