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  • 長谷川 舞, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文, 林 基哉
    2021年 86 巻 783 号 557-566
    発行日: 2021/05/30
    公開日: 2021/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー


    Among the causes of death in Japanese, there are many reports that heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, and unexpected drowning increase in winter. However, there are few studies on the long-term relationship between outside temperature and mortality. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between mortality statistics and the weather data from 1972 to 2015 (44 years) and explained the seasonal variation of death. The purpose of this study is to clarify the seasonal variation using the results and to use it as an index for healthy and safe architecture and city planning.


    We merged the mortality statistics from 1972 to 2015 with AMeDAS weather data to add the daily average outside air temperature on the day of death to each death data. After that, we analyzed (1) CSVM, (2) Death Index, and (3) the relationship between a monthly average outside temperature and monthly mortality rate (MOTMMR).


    (1) Calculation of the CSVM in Tokyo, Hokkaido, and the whole country showed that there was a peak of CSVM in 1998 nationwide. Next, when the CSVM for each disease was calculated, it was found that this peak was prominent in respiratory diseases. Comparing the CSVM in European countries and Japanese prefectures, the CSVM was low in cold regions and high in warm regions common to Japan and Europe. (2) In Tokyo, the Death Index in the summer season (from July to September) was high until the 1920s and decreased after the 1930s, but in Hokkaido, the Death Index in the summer season was high until 1940 and began to decline after 1950. In recent years, both Tokyo and Hokkaido have tended to rise in winter and decrease in summer. (3) We found the regression line of MOTMMR has three segments. The low-temperature part has a negative correlation, and the high-temperature part has a positive correlation. The slope of the regression line in the low-temperature was steeper in the southern region. Also, In the regression coefficients of MOTMMR from 1972 to 2011, no significant change was observed in Hokkaido, but the tendencies to approach 0 were found in southern prefectures.


    (1) CSVM peaked in 1998, and the tendency was remarkable in respiratory diseases. It may be related to influenza vaccine coverage. In addition, common in Japan and Europe, the CSVM was lower in cold regions than in warm regions, and the heating habit reduced the number of deaths in winter in cold regions. (2) About the Death Index, The Death Index in Tokyo and Hokkaido showed a different tendency until 1950 and showed a similar tendency. That implied the development of water supply and sewerage improve summer death. (3) In many areas other than Hokkaido, such as Tokyo, the fluctuations in the monthly mortality rate due to outside temperatures have improved since around 1980.

    From the above, low outside air temperature is related to the rise in mortality in winter, which can be prevented by vaccination, improvement of infrastructure, improvement of building performance, and improvement of heating habits.

  • 井口 淳子
    2017年 62 巻 2 号 73-85
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/03/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    A. ストローク(Awsay Strok)とは、1910年代から日本敗戦後にいたるまで、およそ30年にわたり上海に居住し、ヨーロッパ、ロシア、米国から演奏家、歌手、オペラ団、バレエダンサーなどを招聘し、日本公演を含む「アジアツアー」をプロデュースしたユダヤ人興行主である(1876年2月27日、ラトヴィア、ドヴィンスク Dvinsk 生、1956年7月2日、東京没)。
     「A. ストローク」の名は、演奏家の評伝や東アジアの洋楽受容に関する文献のなかに「impresario、インプレサリオ、興行主、ディレクター、マネージャー」として数多く見出せるものの、彼自身の経歴や活動についての本格的な研究はいまだなされていない。
     筆者は、上海で発行された英字新聞や仏語新聞にストロークの名前が公演広告や記事に数多く掲載されていることに着眼し、英字新聞データベース及び、それを補完する仏語新聞 Le Journal de Shanghai により、彼がプロデュースした上海公演を抽出し、その全体像を明らかにすることを試みた。