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5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • ――家永豊吉の西アジア旅行をめぐって――
    モハッラミプール ・ザヘラ
    2018年 60 巻 54-68
    発行日: 2018/03/31
    公開日: 2021/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー

     Toyokichi Iyenaga traveled to Persia, Turkey, and India after being commissioned by the Governor-General of Taiwan to investigate opium from May 1899 to March 1900. This paper examines the account of his journey, Nishi Ajia Ryokō-ki or ‘Travels through West Asia' (1900) as well as his secret reports on opium, which were presented to the Governor-General of Taiwan.

     In this paper, I will first explore the link between Iyenaga's accounts and Persia and the Persian Question (1892), a famous travel book written by George N. Curzon, a British traveler and politician. Iyenaga cites Curzon in his account and it is clear that Iyenaga's first impression of Persepolis was specifically influenced by Curzon's accounts.

     I will then focus on Iyenaga's portrayal of the landscape. When looking at Persian mountains and rivers, Iyenaga keeps Japanese landscapes in mind and makes several comparisons between Persian and Japanese scenery, often preferring the Japanese scenery over its Persian counterpart.

     Finally, I shed light on the nature of Iyenaga's opium reports which contain his opinions on colonialism. His opium survey aims to find ways to increase government revenue through the opium business. His accounts show that he had a high opinion of English colonial policy in India and furthermore that he proposed applying the same policy to Taiwan under Japanese rule.

     While on the one hand Iyenaga internalized an English traveler's gaze, on the other, he kept his country in mind during his travels. These two approaches are closely connected to his perception of colonialism. By examining Iyenaga's travels, this paper sheds light on a little recognized figure who nevertheless gives significant insights to early Japanese engagement with the outside world.

  • 吉田 雄介
    2010年 5 巻 73-79
    発行日: 2010/03/15
    公開日: 2020/05/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡崎 正孝
    1982年 25 巻 2 号 74-87
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉田 雄介
    2004年 59 巻 2 号 67-87
    発行日: 2004/04/28
    公開日: 2017/04/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examines the geographical diffusion of the household industry in Iran on the basis of national censuses of 1956, 1966 and 1976. I hope to identify first, in a rough way, a beginning of disappearance of regional variety of household industry. And finally I sketch out the process of homogeneization of household industry by the Persian carpet production. According to the difference of physical environment and condition of agricultural production, there has been very regional difference of these industries in Iran. There has been two worlds of household industries which on one hand spinning and weaving industry has flourished in the eastern region of Iran, on the other hand carpet industry had flourished in the western. So we can distinguish these regionalities in the 1956 census. However, in the 1966 these remarkable features were undermined very much because without carpet industry household industries (in especial weaving industry) experienced dramatically decline. While regional specialization also had disappeared throughout Iran, new space of household industry by carpet production had appeared till the 1976. Carpet production closely has been linked with markets of developed countries. The growth of new household industry and the monoculturalization by carpet industry clearly implied the fact that through carpet production every household were directly linked with global demand.
  • 柴木 優美, 永田 昌明, 山本 和英
    2012年 19 巻 4 号 229-279
    発行日: 2012/12/14
    公開日: 2013/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Wikipedia を is-a 関係からなる大規模な汎用オントロジーへ再構成した.Wikipedia の記事にはカテゴリが付与され,そのカテゴリは他のカテゴリとリンクして階層構造を作っている.Wikipedia のカテゴリと記事を is-a 関係のオントロジーとして利用するためには以下の課題がある.(1) Wikipedia の上位階層は抽象的なカテゴリで構成されており,これをそのまま利用してオントロジーを構成することは適切でない.(2) Wikipedia のカテゴリ間,及びカテゴリと記事間のリンクの意味関係は厳密に定義されていないため,is-a 関係でないリンク関係が多く存在する.これに対して我々は (1) を解決するため,上位のカテゴリ階層を新しく定義し,Wikipedia の上位階層を削除して置き換えた.さらに (2) を解決するため,Wikipedia のカテゴリ間,及びカテゴリ記事間の not-is-a 関係のリンクを 3 つの手法により自動で判定し切り離すことで,Wikipedia のカテゴリと記事の階層を is-a 関係のオントロジーとなるように整形した.本論文では not-is-a 関係を判定するための 3 つの手法を適用した.これにより,“人”,“組織”,“施設”,“地名”,“地形”,“具体物”,“創作物”,“動植物”,“イベント”の 9 種類の意味属性を最上位カテゴリとした,1 つに統一された is-a 関係のオントロジーを構築した.実験の結果,is-a 関係の精度は,カテゴリ間で適合率 95.3%, 再現率 96.6%,カテゴリ‐記事間で適合率 96.2%,再現率 95.6%と高精度であった.提案手法により,全カテゴリの 84.5%(約 34,000 件),全記事の 88.6%(約 422,000 件)をオントロジー化できた.