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クエリ検索: "テクノ・ホルティ園芸専門学校"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 高橋 ちぐさ, 下村 孝
    2005年 68 巻 5 号 473-478
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    Mass medium actively had been showing beautiful English gardens to Japanese people since the early 1990s then gardening became boom in Japan. This gardening boom brought the concept to set plants and flowers beautifully into Japanese gardening. This study is carried out to reveal the medias influence on the Japanesehome gardening. 34% of the container was put around the entrance, 18% in the garage and another 18% in gfront of the wall. It was indicated that the view of the neighbor is the important factor to select the place where containers are placed. 64% of the containers were put on the ground and 24% of them were vertical type. Vertical type containers were effective to make a narrow site rich in plants and flowers. 53% of the container was made of plastic and 26% was terracotta. Terracotta became popular in the gardening boom for its good appearance. These results showed that the aesthetic value influences the color and the material of the container being used. On the other hand, flowers planted in hanging baskets were frequently observed to be worse in growth condition and beaty than those in other kind of containers. These results suggested that to show Japanese 'gardeners' the proper methods to deal with hanging baskets is necessary for keeping them in good condition.
  • 高橋 ちぐさ, 下村 孝
    2001年 65 巻 5 号 397-400
    発行日: 2002/03/30
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    ガーデニング関連雑誌の創刊数, 発行点数および書籍の出版点数は,'94年を境に急増し, ガーデニングブームが'93年頃に生起したことが推測された。また, 記事内容を見ると, ブーム以前には栽培法の解説が主であったのに対し, ブーム以降は, デザイン, ガーデンあるいはガーデニングなどの用語が使われるようになり, その解説が増加した。さらに, 雑誌「NHK趣味の園芸」の記事内容の経年調査から, ブームの中で草花栽培の容器の呼称が, プランターからコンテナに変遷する実態が明らかとなり, 欧米で一般的であるコンテナガーデニングがわが国にも普及したことが推測された。
  • 雑誌, 出版物を通して見たガーデニングブーム
    高橋 ちぐさ, 下村 孝
    2001年 65 巻 1 号 27-32
    発行日: 2001/08/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今西 弘子, 生尾 昌子, 稲本 勝彦, 土井 元章, 今西 英雄
    2002年 1 巻 1 号 71-74
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2007/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今西 弘子, 米沢 富士雄, 今西 英雄
    1992年 60 巻 4 号 981-987
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/05/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 綿貫 啓一, 楓 和憲, 坂井田 千摩, 村木 武, 大志茂 純
    2016年 82 巻 834 号 15-00272
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/02/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, we developed an intuitive remote-controlled manipulator system that was operated using a touch panel display and a mouse. We examined its application possibility to pick out the shoot apical meristem from sprouting potatoes. The shoot apical meristem is not easily affected by plant viruses. Therefore, we can obtain a virus-free seedling that has a high production efficiency by culturing this part. This technique is called “mericlone” and is known widely in agriculture; however, it is tedious because of the precision work involved with a microscope. Thus, our system not only reduces the burden on the technician but also has high precision control and saves space. In this study, using the loop-mediated isothermal amplification method, we confirmed that we could get the potato meristems that do not contain Potato Virus X. The newly designed primer set can achieve results more rapidly, more easily, and with higher sensitivity than other virus detection methods, thus indicating the possibility of industrial implementation.