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  • 平等主義文化における蔑みと排斥
    池上 知子
    2015年 1 巻 1 号 29-35
    発行日: 2015/10/01
    公開日: 2017/04/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    This article discusses the obstacles to the realization of harmonious coexistence in a human society that purportedly advocates egalitarianism. Focusing on the issues regarding sexual minorities and empirical studies on the prejudice against them, the author argues that simplistic egalitarianism does not work well when the acceptance of dissimilar others, who embrace a totally different mentality and orientation, is associated with threats to one's established values and worldviews constituting the very basis of one's identity. Among people with such a rigid sense of identity, this evokes despisement and the desire for expulsion of the minority group. The author concludes that restructuring one's identity is a promising way to solve the problem.
