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2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • -中学硬式野球指導者アンケート調査より-
    尾花 隆太郎, 藤井 祐樹, 鵜川 裕司, 藤原 俊輔
    2021年 48S1 巻 55
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/12/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • - 中学校部活動と硬式クラブの比較から -
    奈良 隆章, 川村 卓, 島田 一志, 坂本 幸信
    2009年 7 巻 12-25
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2010/01/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The objective of this study is to obtain basic materials for constructing an ideal instruction method for baseball players at junior high schools. For this purpose, we conducted questionnaire survey, targeting university baseball players, concerning baseball activities in junior-high school days comparing junior-high school's clubs (hereinafter “school clubs”) with hard-ball baseball club teams (hereinafter “hard-ball clubs”), to make it clear how the reality of athletic environment and actual instruction have influenced their athletic competence today. The target of the survey was baseball players belonging to university hard-ball baseball teams. The target teams are, one university in Tohoku District, three universities in Kanto District, one university in Hokuriku District; five universities in total, all of which belong to the top league of each league; the target persons are 340 players from freshmen to juniors of universities. The result of the survey has revealed the following. As for the instructors, the baseball career of those at hard-ball clubs tends to be higher in level. The number of instructors also tends to be larger for hard-ball clubs. As for the practice environment, hard-ball clubs tend to be more environmentally advantageous in terms of the number of balls and availability of a dedicated baseball ground. As for practice methods, it seems that basic practice like “sacrifice bunt”, “long toss”, and “half”tends to have been done more frequently at school clubs. On the other hand, the practice that simulated actual game conditions, like “free batting”, “seat batting”, and “game knock” tends to have been done more frequently for ex players at hard-ball clubs. As for the effect on present status affected by the baseball life in junior-high school days, more ex players at hard-ball clubs seem to consider that they make the best use of the technique and strategic instruction acquired in junior-high school days.